The first page opened with a notice that there were no Indian Helper newspapers published for December 28 and January 3rd. A notice followed: “A Novel Christmas Present: Our Superintendent Made with his own Hands a tin Cup for Each Employee.” Next was a poem, by “E.G.“dated Dec. 25, ’89 titled “The School Poet Again Stirred” about…
Former Student Experiences

Richard Henry Pratt objects to the gender imbalance among two incoming student groups from L. J. Miles and from the Northern Arapaho. He notes that the work details of the school are divided among the sexes and depends on an equal number of girls and boys to be fair. The current makeup of the incoming students would further imbalance the…

Ralph Iron Eagle Feather writes to Richard Henry Pratt discussing how there is now work for returned students at the Rosebud Agency. In Pratt's comments to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs he notes that the Agent at Pine Ridge has but all of the returned students to work and a similar initiative should be implemented at Rosebud.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning jurisdiction of the Courts over the case of Etahdlueh Doanmoe. Pratt references Section 9 of the Act approved in March 3, 1885 regarding jurisdiction. Pratt advocates for firmer discipline in punishing crimes.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to use the extra $500 remaining in his appropriation for sending Alfred John Standing and a female assistant to recruit students in Michigan.
Pratt also notes that a former student who could have served this role returned home in order to look out for his own interests in regards to the land in…

Richard Henry Pratt returns the correspondence surrounding the treatment of returned pupils to Pueblo agencies in New Mexico. Pratt notes that he is happy to see the actions taken by the Office of Indian Affairs, including the actions taken by Frank D. Lewis, U.S. Special Indian Agent, in removing and criminally charging the Governor of the…

Richard Henry Pratt refers to letter of S. Beto relative to condition of pupils of the Carlisle Indian School who returned to their homes. The enclosure is not included.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he has received a letter from Colonel Robert Marmon denouncing the treatment of children returned from various training schools by the Governor and officials of Acoma Village. Pratt suggests sending Special Agent Lewis to investigate the claims. He also documents that there…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding statements made by a public official on returned students from the Carlisle Indian School and others. Pratt also includes a letter from T. W. Potter, former Issue Clerk at the Cantonment Agency, on the same issue. The issue concerned former students in polygamous…

Letter from Assistant Superintendent A. J. Standing to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding a proposed survey to be sent out to all former students. Standing suggests that the survey should consist of both a questionnaire form and a request for a separate letter for Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt.
The letters collected…

Daniel Dorchester, Superintendent of Indian Schools, returns documents related to returned Carlisle Indian School students and documents related to the Albuquerque Indian School, including an inspection that Dorchester conducted of the school that covers nearly all aspects of that school.
Also included is a reply from Richard Henry Pratt…

A series of twenty-three letters written to Captain Richard H. Pratt in response to a questionnaire sent to former students. The accompanying questionnaire forms are not included.
Transcripts follow each handwritten letter.

A series of sixteen letters written to Captain Richard H. Pratt in response to a questionnaire sent to former students. The accompanying questionnaire forms are not included.
Transcripts follow each handwritten letter.

A series of fifteen letters written to Captain Richard H. Pratt in response to a questionnaire sent to former students. The accompanying questionnaire forms are not included.
Transcripts follow each handwritten letter.

A series of twenty nine letters written to Captain Richard H. Pratt in response to a questionnaire sent to former students. The accompanying questionnaire forms are not included.
Transcripts follow each handwritten letter.

A series of nineteen letters written to Captain Richard H. Pratt in response to a questionnaire sent to former students. The accompanying questionnaire forms are not included.
Transcripts follow each handwritten letter.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from J. H. Seger, the head of the Seger Colony, regarding former students at the Carlisle Indian School. Seger promotes making Indians self-sufficient through the use of work harnesses and cattle. However, Pratt notes that the system will likely only work under Seger's guidance and would likely collapse if…

James Garcia writes to John Noble, the Secretary of the Interior, expressing his gratitude for his education at the Carlisle Indian School and the outing program.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning Ralph Eagle Feather. Pratt provides the history of Eagle Feather and notes that he would be quite willing to find Eagle Feather farm employment but that if he is willing to leave the reservation he would be able to find work as a carpenter in the West.

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Thomas J. Morgan informing him that he is printing the rules and regulations for enforcing compulsory attendance in the Red Man. In addition, Pratt writes of a letter of former student George Means that he is forwarding officially under separate cover. Means writes concerning the article published by Mr.…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a copy of a letter from George LeRoy Brown, Acting U.S. Indian Agent for the Pine Ridge Agency, to the Office of Indian Affairs. In Brown's letter he provides an update and a character assessment on former Carlisle Indian School students he has met.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter enclosing a letter from Acting Agent Captain Lewis Johnson regarding students from the San Carlos Agency at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt provides a list of the students who remain at Carlisle and notes that they have all consented to remain at Carlisle beyond their initial…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from Lieutenant McAnaney, Fort Belknap Agent, in reference to vacancies at the Fort Belknap school. Pratt states that he did not mean to give a strong endorsement for a cook position for Lucy Enter Lodge and instead recommends Rosalie Ereaux. In addition, he discusses the charge that no one from the Fort…

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report to W. N. Hailmann on the Carlisle Indian School graduating class.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter requesting information on Lawrence Smith.