An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of Indian Affairs for the fiscal year ending 1880, containing the first annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The report discusses the school's opening, recruitment of students, educational and industrial curricula, and overall health. Also included…
Students on Outings

Page one opened with a piece titled “The Future of the Red Indian,” reprinted from the London Spectator. This interesting article begins with the author describing the activities of the Carlisle Indian School for a British audience before then discussing his reaction to seeing photographs from the school. The second page had the report…

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1881, containing the second annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The lengthy report includes discussions of curriculum, student recruitment, the school's campus, the success of the sending students on…

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1882, containing the annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The report includes discussions of school enrollment, experiences of students on outing and outing patrons, curriculum, wages for students,…

On page one the paper’s editor, Charles Kihega (Iowa) wrote a letter about his successful journey home. Metopah (Osage), Taylor Ealy (Pueblo), and Frank Everett (Wichita) also wrote letters from home back to the school. On page two eight boys and twelve girls took a trip to explore Luray Cave. Also on the same page Van Horn (Cheyenne) and Thos…

Page one featured Henry North's article about his outing during the summer in Lancaster County. North described his daily routine and explained what he learned. Page two had a piece about Christmas, in which all the students gathered in the chapel to meet with St. Nick. On the same page Calvin Red Wolf (Cheyenne) wrote to his father about his…

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1883, containing the annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The report provides a table of enrollment statistics, and has two addendums: one, a lengthy report by Principal C. M. Semple on the school's…

Page one opens with a letter from the Secretary of the Interior, H.M. Teller, about the education of Indians. Page two had the Address Captain Pratt gave at the National Educational Convention at Ocean Grove, NJ. This address continued on to page three. After the end of Captain Pratt’s address, page three has an article titled “It is Folly to…

Page one had “Local Items” which consisted of small daily events such as the weather and games the students invented. Page two started with “A Plea for Greater Liberality in the Cause of Indian Education”, followed by “The People Responsible”, and “A Devoted Indian Missionary Dead”, which talked of the death of Dr. Stephen R. Riggs. Page three…

Page One had extracts from an address of Hon. B.G. Northrop Ex. Sec. State Board of Education of Connecticut. Page two had “Items of Interest From the Late Sioux Commission”, as well as a short piece on “What our Pupils in the Country Say.” Page three had short vignettes on various Local Items including returned students, weather and crops.…

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1884, containing the annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The report includes discussions of enrollment statistics, transfers, educational and industrial progress, student health, the school farm, donations…

Page one started with a poem titled “The Indian’s Plea” by A.F.W., followed by a report on an organization made in 1822 to help get better rights for Indians. Included is their constitution and a list of the officers. This continued onto page two where the officer’s list was. Then there was an article on Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, which…

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1885, containing the annual report of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. The report includes a school population table as well as discussions of industry, academic work, dormitory expansions, and sanitary…

The first page opened with a poem titled “For the Boys,” followed by a description of “Loafing” observed by the Man-on-the-band-stand among the boys on campus. There was also a feature, “200,000,000" that tallied up the time it would take to become as rich as Mr. Vanderbilt. Page two reported severe weather in Michigan, a request for a lost…

The first page opened with a poem titled "I'm Not Too Young" reprinted from Scattered Seeds. The next article, "Hoe Handle Medicine" extolled the medicinal effects of exercise. Page two featured several small stories, including Paul Eagle Star's (Sioux) outing assignment, a piece describing bicycles for men and tricycles for women, and…

Souvenir pamphlet for the Carlisle Indian School. Includes a short description of the school in the beginning, mentioning its history and aims. Images of the campus, school buildings, dorm rooms, classrooms, extracurricular groups, and graduates are given, each including a short caption. Photographs of athletic teams, industrial…

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 4) and Helper (Vol. 15, No. 37).

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 6).

Collage of four photographs.
The socially elevating side of the outing is shown by the refined homes and families into which the pupils are received.
This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle, Penna…

A collage of four photographs.
illustrates the home life and occupations of the girls during their Summer outing; also a public school attended by a number girls during the Winter.
This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle, Penna…

A collage of six photographs.
illustrates the outing system, which is the practical side of Carlisle training. The Indian under the same opportunities becomes just as good a hand at all the varied employments of the farm as the white man.
This image…

attended by a number of Indian girls during their outing. The Indian girls and boys are cordially received into Church and Sabbath School associations in all the communities in which they are placed.
This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle…

Student Harry Charles at the farm of Guy Seavers in Newville, Pa., his outing location. Charles was on outing there from 1911 until 1914.

The Registers of Outings include entries with students' name, the date of placement or departing the school, the patron's name and their address, the date a student returned to the school, and occasionally other information. Volume 1 includes the records for boys and girls between 1881…

The Outing section of this Register of Pupils lists those students who went on outings while at the school between the years 1890 and 1899. This outing section runs from page 84 through page 143 of the register. The list of outings includes the name of the student, their nation, the…