Former Student Experiences

Displaying 51 - 52 of 52 records
Henry P. Sutton Competency Evaluation
June 27, 1917 - June 13, 1919

This document contains correspondence concerning former student Henry P. Sutton. Sutton had graduated from Carlisle and requested certification of his educational status, which would allow him to attend the Haskell Institute.

Letters/Correspondence, Photographs, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Montreville Yuda Lecture on Shipbuilding
March 1-5, 1918

This document contains correspondence concerning former student Montreville Yuda and his desire to teach a lecture on shipbuilding. Yuda was a shipbuilder with the Emergency Fleet Corporation in Newport News, Virginia. Carlisle's superintendent suggested that such a lecture would be counterproductive to the purposes of the school.

National Archives and Records Administration