Richard Henry Pratt provides a response to the report of Inspector Junkin regarding former Carlisle students at the San Carlos Agency.
Former Students Information
The Data Concerning Former Students ledger provides information about students who left the school before 1898. Entries, which are arranged by class year, include the former students' name, tribe, address, and occasionally remarks on their life after leaving Carlisle. Pages without…

Cover letter for an enclosure the names and addresses of former students of the Carlisle Indian School for unclassified positions in the Indian Service. That list is not included with this cover letter.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report to W. N. Hailmann on the Carlisle Indian School graduating class.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a list of the Graduating Class of 1897 of the Carlisle Indian School to W. N. Hailmann along with his assessment of their character and efficiency.

W. J. McConnell, Inspector, proposes a system of "espionage"--asking agents to systematically provide reports--to track outcomes of students educated at both reservation and off-reservation boarding schools with the goal of demonstrating their comparative effectiveness at assimilation.

Richard Henry Pratt provides information on the graduates of the Carlisle Indian School to the Office of Indian Affairs.
Additional correspondence regarding the Omaha Exposition to and from Alfred John Standing is also included.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the class of 1898 was not included in the schedule.

Richard Henry Pratt provides information on John Thomas and Ralph Ovieto to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt provides information to the Office of Indian Affairs on Robert McArthur.

William A. Mercer provides information on Roxana Smith and Bettie Welch to the Office of Indian Affairs.

These materials include correspondence regarding a report on the record of Florence Hunter. Hunter had graduated from the Carlisle Indian School in April 1908, worked as a nurse in a private home for two months, and then was admitted as a student to the Philadelphia School of Pharmacy.

These materials include correspondence regarding the grandsons of E. A. Pierce, Seneca Clarke Cook and Howard Jones.

This folder includes a few letters related to whether or not Dennison Wheelock was a government employee.
One pair of letters from 1910 is between Wheelock and staff of the Office of Indian Affairs. Wheelock asks to be appointed as the "Supervisor of Indian Land Sales." In his reply, the Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian…

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott tells Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman to make a full report on all of the students who are leaving the school at the end of the academic year.

Small notebook entitled "American Authors" but used as an address book of the homes of former Carlisle Indian School students.
This notebook is part of a collection donated to the Cumberland County Historical Society by a descendent of teacher Lelah M. Burns, so presumably this list of addresses was created by her.

Supervisor Herbert C. Calhoun from Muskogee, Oklahoma asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs where he can find information regarding who attended or graduated from the Carlisle Indian School and what their grades were. Calhoun states that several Carlisle graduates are teaching or going to college and need this information.