The first page opened with a notice that there were no Indian Helper newspapers published for December 28 and January 3rd. A notice followed: “A Novel Christmas Present: Our Superintendent Made with his own Hands a tin Cup for Each Employee.” Next was a poem, by “E.G.“dated Dec. 25, ’89 titled “The School Poet Again Stirred” about…
School Entertainment

Sixteenth Annual Report for the Carlisle Indian School covering the 1894-1895 school year. The report begins with changes in enrollment of the various nations. Richard Henry Pratt continues with his overall philosophy of educating Indian students including speaking English, industrial training, civilization, and then academic training. And then…

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report on the use of evening study hours to W. N. Hailmann.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the petition of J. A. Hildebrandt to the War Department related to a dam erected on leased land for the purpose of creating a skating pond.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a petition signed by various local Carlisle residents regarding a dam that was erected to create a skating pond on leased land which has been alleged to cause flooding by the Letort Spring. Pratt offers counter claims to the accusations and requests the Office of Indian Affairs allow him to handle the claims.

William A. Mercer forwards additional receipts for accounts of individual students of individual Indian moneys not included in cash papers previously sent. Also included are receipts for disbursements from the Emergency Account as well as documenting other Emergency Account disbursements for which there are no receipts.
Note: It is…

These materials include correspondence regarding the Christmas festivities of 1908. The festivities included a lantern slide and moving picture film presentation of Hiawatha, various receptions, tree decorating, and entertainment.
Also included is a financial authority request for extra food for the Thanksgiving and Christmas…

These materials include correspondence and a copy of the Independence Day Program for the Indian School for 1909. The festivities included athletic activities, fireworks, a patriotic salute, and songs. The program was forwarded to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs by Carlisle's superintendent.

These materials include correspondence and a draft of Superintendent Friedman's 30th Annual Report for the Carlisle Indian School, reflecting the period ending July 31, 1909. Friedman forwarded the draft to a Bureau official, along with information on how to have news published in Carlisle's student newspaper. The annual report includes…

The program for "The Captain of Plymouth," performed as part of the Commencement Exercises of 1910. The program lists the various acts of the performance as well as the student actors.

Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman transmits several programs from the school: "Annual Reception of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Association," "Thanksgiving Service," two copies of "School Entertainment," "World's Temperance Sunday," and "Special Program by the Mercer Literary Society."
Second Assistant…

These materials include correspondence regarding a solicitation from the Metropolitan Booking Offices regarding a screening of Cabiria at the Carlisle Indian School. The offer was viewed favorably by Carlisle's superintendent and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, depending on its cost.