Richard Henry Pratt responds to allegations from Henry M. Beadle, the editor of The Washington Catholic, that he prevents Catholic students at the Carlisle Indian School from attending the local Catholic Church in Carlisle. Pratt responds by noting his arrangement with Father Hickey regarding allowing students to attend services that…
Criticism of the School/Students in the Press

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Thomas J. Morgan informing him that he is printing the rules and regulations for enforcing compulsory attendance in the Red Man. In addition, Pratt writes of a letter of former student George Means that he is forwarding officially under separate cover. Means writes concerning the article published by Mr.…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a copy of the Carlisle Weekly Herald which reprinted an article regarding accusations that White Buffalo killed three women. Pratt also forwards a copy of a telegram from the agent claiming that the article is entirely false. As a result Pratt requests the government bring a suit against the North…

William A. Mercer forwards a New York Times article covering the arrest for desertion from the U.S. Army of four members of the Seneca Nation. Mercer comments the article is full of falsehoods and that only two of the men were former Carlisle students and did not have good records as students.
In a separate note Francis E. Leupp asks…

This material includes newspaper articles alleging that the Carlisle Football Team had been using professional players during the season, and correspondence from members of the Bureau of Indian Affairs answering the charges.

This material includes correspondence concerning charges brought against a member of Carlisle's football team in a Philadelphia newspaper.

This document contains a letter responding to public charges made against the Carlisle Football Team concerning the eligibility of certain members. The letter discusses terms and lengths of student enrollment, the use of athletic funds in Carlisle's budget, and the academic responsibilities of student athletes.

This document contains correspondence concerning a complaint made by bandmaster James Wheelock that students from the school band were improperly disciplined by being locked in the guard house. The complaint, which made headlines in national newspapers including The Outlook, was investigated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.…

These documents include a letter from Richard Henry Pratt to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells about an article published in The Public Ledger in January of 1914. Titled "General Pratt Alleged to be Seeking Revenge on Moses Friedman," the article is deemed a "malicious, false and slanderous accusation" by Pratt who blames…

These materials include a newspaper clipping, an internal circular order, and correspondence regarding an article in the Carlisle Herald regarding the discipline of male and female students of the Carlisle Indian School, who reportedly visited the east end of the town for parties with local residents. Superintendent Lipps…

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells forwards a newspaper article about behavior of the school's male students with alcohol and local women to Oscar Lipps and asks for his response.
In his reply Lipps disputes some of the article's specific charges but says in general it is accurate. He also describes how difficult it has been…