November 7, 1908 - January 4, 1909
In light of a plan submitted by Carlisle Indian School Physician Dr. Shoemaker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp directs Superintendent Moses Friedman to prepare an itemized list of supplies needed to build a tuberculosis camp. Friedman sends Leupp a blueprint of a camp. (The blueprint is attached in this file)
Chief of…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 7-12, 1908
These materials include correspondence regarding a request to release Thomas Bero from the Carlisle Indian School to return to his home in Hogansburg, New York. The request was granted due to the policy related to New York students.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 11, 1908
Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that they received "twelve maps of Indian Reservations for use in the class rooms."
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 17, 1908 - December 7, 1908
These materials include correspondence regarding a contract for the Carlisle Indian School football team to play the University of Denver. Superintendent Moses Friedman, Carlisle's new director, did not approve of the pre-arranged game because of how long students would be kept out of class. After significant lobbying from politicians including…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 18 - 21, 1908
These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return Peter Cook to his home.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 27 - December 15, 1908
These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll Margaret Burgess at the Carlisle Indian School.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 27 - December 1, 1908
Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Assistant Seamstress Susan Zeamer is temporarily serving as the Dining Room Assistant Matron and requests that the Commissioner fill this position so that Zeamer can return to her normal position.
Chief of the Education Division informs Friedman that he has…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
November 30 - December 10, 1908
Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to abolish an assistant disciplinarian and a teacher position because both of these positions are no longer necessary after the new rule that students must be at least fourteen years old. Assistant Disciplinarian Louis Felix is in the small boys quarters and Teacher Ella Petoskey is…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 4 - 11, 1908
These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by the father of Peter Lazore to have him returned home from Carlisle.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 16, 1908 - January 22, 1909
These materials include an inquiry from the Carlisle Indian School regarding the request of two students, Bert Miller and George Day, to refund monies due to them but transferred to the school's Emergency Fund. A clarification from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including their policy on the confiscation of abandoned student funds, is also…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 17, 1908
These materials contain correspondence regarding the enrollment of Mark Mato.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
May 31, 1893, December 21, 1908 - September 6, 1912
This folder contains materials related to Mollie Gaither's time working in the Indian Service. Only the materials relevant to her time as Carlisle's Girl's Field Agent have been included. She was at Carlisle from October of 1904 until September of 1912.
The first PDF contains Gaither's service record card, a portrait, and paperwork…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 22-31, 1908
These materials include correspondence regarding a report on the record of Florence Hunter. Hunter had graduated from the Carlisle Indian School in April 1908, worked as a nurse in a private home for two months, and then was admitted as a student to the Philadelphia School of Pharmacy.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 22, 1908 - January 22, 1909
These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return home Nelson Bartlett.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 23, 1908
This document contains correspondence concerning the deposits of students' credit in their bank accounts.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 28, 1908 - January 14, 1909
These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Lyman Pierce to have his son Franklin Pierce returned to his home from Carlisle. The request was made for Lyman Pierce by George T. Jimerson.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 29, 1908 - September 26, 1910
These materials include correspondence regarding the Christmas festivities of 1908. The festivities included a lantern slide and moving picture film presentation of Hiawatha, various receptions, tree decorating, and entertainment.
Also included is a financial authority request for extra food for the Thanksgiving and Christmas…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 29, 1908 - January 9, 1909
These materials include correspondence reporting the death of Mary Kinninook. Further information is given on the burial of Kinninook at the school cemetery.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 1 - March 19, 1909
Correspondence and reports regarding examinations of students for tuberculosis along with the recommendation to return two students to their homes in 1909.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 15 - May 14, 1909
Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the exact amount of money used from the support fund of the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. 1909" account to transport pupils to Carlisle from July 1 - December 31, 1908.
Chief Clerk F. M. Conser states that Indian agents and superintendents used $12,194.17…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 21 - 23, 1909
These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return Paul Kinninook to his home from Carlisle.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 28 - February 9, 1909
These materials include correspondence regarding the dropping of Albert Exendine from the rolls of the Carlisle Indian School. Exendine asked to be kept on the rolls until he completed his present term at Dickinson College Preparatory School (Conway Hall). Exendine's request was accepted.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
February 1, 1909
Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1909" account on special medical treatments for students, taking students to Philadelphia for treatment, and for medicine and food for the hospital.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
February 1, 1909
Superintendent Friedman requests authorization to spend $300 to pay for "the apprehension and returning of runaway pupils of this school."
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
February 4- 27, 1909
These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment and return of funds of William Newashe.
Note: In this file, the student is referred to as William Newashe and William W. Washe.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration