Richard Henry Pratt seeks authority to send James, a member of the Sioux Nation, back to his home.
Requests From the School to Send Students Home

Notice of the death of White Shield is received by Richard Henry Pratt from U.S. Indian Agent John D. Miles. As a result Pratt requests authorization for sending home his son Harvey in order to provide help to the family. In addition, Pratt requests sending home two young Arapaho girls with Harvey as a chaperone.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to allow Frank Engler to return home due to his mother's illness. Pratt writes that other members of the Cheyenne Nation have pooled their money to cover Engler's transportation expense and recommends allowing him to return for a brief time.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to send home Fannie Merrick and Mary Tyndall. Pratt notes that Alice C. Fletcher is set to visit the Omaha reservation and can escort the two students back.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return Fanny Morning and Kaha Kuh to their homes as a precautionary measure due to their health.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return 25 more students than he has already been given permission for by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Pratt indicates that this is a result of returning students who will come back in the Fall.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return 48 students of the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that of those being returned 23 students are being sent home due to the expiration of their terms and 25 for various reasons. In addition, he requests permission to bring to Carlisle 70 students.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Office of Indian Affairs with a list of students whose terms of enrollment are set to expire or for other reasons and requests authority to return them to their homes.

Request to return Bennie Thomas and Annie Thomas to their homes by Richard Henry Pratt. Pratt notes that the students returned after the expiration of their first term of three years with a party of students who had five year terms. However, their parents were told they were sent for two years. Pratt notes that while he has no proof that this…

A request from Richard Henry Pratt to send Tom Torlino to his home in order to serve as an example of the benefits of the Carlisle Indian School.

Request by Richard Henry Pratt for permission to send Noah Little Eagle (here Noel Little Eagle), Laura Good Nation, and Wamy Oso to their homes due to consumption.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return George Hill and Flora Well Known to Custer, Montana before their terms of enrollment expire. Pratt makes this request due to a job offer to the students from the Unitarian Board which is setting up a school on the Crow Agency.

Request from Richard Henry Pratt to permit Louis Bayhylle to return home with his father, Baptiste Bayhylle, with travel provided to Arkansas City via the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Request from Richard Henry Pratt to return Frank Yates to Arkansas City with Chief Bayhylle due to Yates' poor health.

Richard Henry Pratt seeks authority to return five students to their homes due to their ill health. Pratt notes that the school physician believes their long term health will prevent the students from taking full advantage of the Carlisle Indian School course, but they are healthy enough to travel without escort.

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return Harry Raven and Henry Outa to their homes due to ill health.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that his physician has recommended sending home four students from the Pine Ridge Agency due to poor health. Pratt requests that the transportation to Pine Ridge be provided to him and that he allowed to return them to their homes.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to return Dessie Prescott and Nancy Iron Son to their home on the recommendation of the school physician due to their health.

Richard Henry Pratt requests an answer from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding his request to return Dessie Prescott and Nancy Iron Son. Also requests what answer he can give to Colonel Langdon about the Apaches.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to return Zippa Metoxen to her home due to the health of her parents and be provided with transportation for her to De Pere, Wisconsin.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return four students from the Pine Ridge Agency due to health and character. He notes that the school physician has diagnosed three students with scrofula and incipient consumption. Pratt asks that he be provided with four tickets from Carlisle to Rushville, Nebraska for the students and one ticket for…

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission to return Elliott, William Short Nose, and Robert Left Hand to their homes due to their ill health. Pratt further requests transportation to various locations for the three students.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to return Louise Schanandore (here Louisa Schanandore) on the advice of the acting physician due to ill health. Pratt notes that she can be escorted by Jemima Wheelock whose term of enrollment has ended.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students to be returned to their homes due to various reasons along with various escorts.
Note: The student referred to here as Maurice Walker is also known as Maurice Yellow Hair.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Lewis Williams (also known as Lewis Daniel Wiliams) has a ticket to his home in Idaho.