Richard Henry Pratt requests a position to be placed in charge of the outing program at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that he has been hesitant to fill this position in order to save money but the increase in outings has now meant the position is now unable to be filled by other staff.
School Employees - Outing Program

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to keep Miss Hyde on the regular employee roll to continue in her role while alterations are made to the girls quarters. In addition, Pratt requests authority to pay for an irregular employee to visit outing pupils and to hire an additional clerk.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to employ Miss L. A. Bender as an additional clerk on the irregular rolls in order to assist with outing students.

Mary H. Whelan requests a transfer from her position as an assistant nurse at the Carlisle Indian School to a field or school matron position.

Richard Henry Pratt requests increases in pay for the students serving in his office, as Outing Clerk, and Library Assistant.

Major Richard H. Pratt provides the Commissioner of Indian Affairs with additional information on salaries in regards to two irregular employees. He asks for approval to increase the salary of the librarian and to employ two additional clerical assistants.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the appointment of Charles A. Eastman in the newly created position of outing agent.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Dr. Charles A. Eastman was critically ill with pneumonia and required a consultation with Dr. C. A. Rahter of Harrisburg. Pratt requests authority to pay Rahter's bill.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Carrie L. Miller has resigned her position as of August 8, 1900 as a clerk. Pratt recommends carrying Miller on the irregular roles from the close of the fiscal year until her final day and requests a replacement from the Civil Service list.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Charles Dagenette desires to return to his home on account of his health rather than take over the outing program from Charles Eastman.

Edgar A. Allen requests that two additional assistant clerks be authorized due to an increase in enrollment at the Carlisle Indian School. Allen requests that the positions be filled by two girls who have completed the school course.

Edgar A. Allen provides information on the special needs for filling of the Girls' Manager position at the Carlisle Indian School. Because this positions monitors the country homes girls are working in on outing, there is no similar position in the Civil Service Commission.

Edgar A. Allen provides details on the qualifications necessary to fill the Outing Agent position. Allen notes that the Outing Agent is in charge of the boys in country homes.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes the Carlisle Indian School to fill the outing matron position due to no register of eligible applicants.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of his plan to use Howard Gansworth as his outing agent for the Carlisle Indian School in the upcoming school year.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that M. E. Blanchard has declined to accept the Outing Matron position. Requests that a particular examination be made in filling the place.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the promotion of Etta Knickerbacker to the position of outing manager at the Carlisle Indian School from her position as matron in Morris, Minnesota.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Etta Knickerbacker has accepted the position of Outing Matron. Pratt also forwards a request of Superintendent Brown in replacing Knickerbacker with Mrs. Pierson of Petoskey, Michigan.

Richard Henry Pratt proposes to the Office of Indian Affairs to revert the Outing Matron title back to Matron with the appointment of Etta Knickerbacker. Pratt states that an assistant matron will take on the outing duties.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter approving the temporary appointments of five employees at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that these employees have long been employed at Carlisle and their temporary appointments must be mistaken. In addition, Pratt discusses Ida Swallow, Johnson Bradley, and William…

Richard Henry Pratt requests an increase in the salary of Howard Gansworth to oversee the boys outing program and for the librarian Edith McHarg Steele, and a salary for a special outing agent for the girls.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Jessie W. Cook be transferred to the Carlisle Indian School as the girls outing agent from the Riverside School.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the Office of Indian Affairs that Enola G. Acord was misinformed about the vacancy of outing matron at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the transfer of Jessie W. Cook to the Riverside School as a teacher.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs inquiry regarding the Outing Agent vacancy caused by the request of Mollie V. Gaither to obtain the position. Mercer states that he has already promised the position to Ella G. Hill.