Correspondence between Superintendent Moses Friedman, the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the Chief Clerk regarding the establishment of the position of mechanical drawing teacher at the Carlisle Indian School with the salary of $840 per year.
Friedman, Moses

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $300 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1909" account to capture and return runaway students. Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. E. Leupp grants permission.

These materials include correspondence regarding requests to enroll William Hodge and Moses Stranger Horse at the Carlisle Indian School.

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests official maps and literature regarding Indian reservation boundaries since Education Circular No. 217 requires the school to determine if incoming students live on reservations. Office of Indian Affairs Chief Clerk F. M. Conser informs Friedman that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs' Annual Report of 1907…

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return six students to their homes on the expiration of their terms of enrollment in September 1908.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return Daniel Robinson to his home upon the expiration of his term.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Albert Payne to reenter the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Oscar H. Lipps to enroll Martha Wetenhall at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials contain correspondence and financial documents related to the enrollment and financial account of Judson Bertrand.

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to hire a baker with the salary of $600 per year to replace Oscar Boyd, an Indian, who is currently working in the position. Friedman states that he would "prefer a white man." The Chief of the Education Division informs Friedman that a baker has already been appointed.

These materials include correspondence related to a request from Moses Friedman, Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School, to send Hattie Miller from Carlisle to the Wild Rice River School in Minnesota. Miller's term had expired, and she had been appointed to the position of teacher. The request was approved.

Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to test the school's cattle herd to determine how many cows are suffering from tuberculosis. He notes that infected cows can transmit the illness to humans through their milk.
The Acting Secretary of the Interior endorses and forwards Friedman's request to the Secretary of Agriculture…

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by George Lieb to have his son Arthur returned from Carlisle.

These materials include correspondence between Superintendent Moses Friedman and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs concerning the beginning of William H. Dietz's employment as assistant teacher of Native Indian art.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School Moses Friedman to return three pupils with pulmonary tuberculosis to their homes.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Susan Thompson to discharge her son Joseph Thompson from the Carlisle Indian School. The request was granted.

These materials include correspondence regarding mistakes on the attendance report. The report indicated certain students were over the age of enrollment and the Office of Indian Affairs sought clarification on their enrollment.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from W. J. Ranco to enroll at the Carlisle Indian School. Ranco's request was denied due to his residence in Old Town, Maine and the policy of the Office of Indian Affairs to not enroll students from the Eastern part of the United States.

Superintendent Moses Friedman informs Commissioner Francis E. Leupp the congressional district of two Mechanical Drawing Teacher appointees.

Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School Moses Friedman seeks authorization to release John Casey from the school upon the request of Casey's father, Thomas Casey. The request was granted.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return Andrew Bero to his home.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to sell 23 head of cows that reacted to a tuberculosis test. Friedman would like to sell them to a packing house where a Government Inspector is stationed. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee grants permission.

Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Ada R. Hetrick declined the position of Assistant Matron, which is temporarily being filled by Susan Zeamer. Friedman requests that the Bureau of Indian Affairs selects a new Assistant Matron.

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee authorizes Superintendent Moses Friedman to purchase 3,000 pounds of cornmeal for $66.00 on the open market and then send a voucher for approval.
Friedman informs Larrabee that he sent the necessary information relating to Walter B. Timms' contract to the Empire State Surety Co. and…

These materials include inquires on how to disperse the funds of Henry Rose remaining at the Merchants National Bank of Carlisle following his death. As Rose's heirs and family could not be located, the money was directed to be held until Rose's brother could be found.