Richard Henry Pratt forwards accounts covering medical care for two students who are on outing in farms in Bucks County, Pennsylvania for approval by the Office of Indian Affairs. Pratt notes that Charles Carr was unable to be transported back to the school and so was cared for at his outing home. Pratt ends by claiming that it is general habit…
Medical Treatment - Paying for Outside
Use for both students and staff.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay expenses incurred due to the illnesses of students on the outing program as well as a funeral of a student on the outing program.

Alfred John Standing forwards account of E. H. Doan for the medical treatment of Fred Harris while Harris was on outing. Standing notes that Harris was brought back to Carlisle as soon as he was able to travel.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards voucher covering the cost of treating Johnson Spencer while on outing from an attack of pneumonia.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards account covering medical costs for approval in the treatment of Enos Graham while on outing.

Henry F. Hoyt responds to Richard Henry Pratt's criticisms regarding the medical bill in treating Seth Clear Eyes.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a bill and letter from St. Joseph's Hospital covering the care of Seth Clear Eyes. Pratt provides the context of how Clear Eyes ended up at the hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota and directs the Office to direct the bill to him for payment from the Carlisle appropriation…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards bill covering the medical attendance for the treatment of Seth Clear Eyes at the St. Joseph's Hospital.

Richard Henry Pratt withdraws objection regarding bill covering the medical treatment of Seth Clear Eyes at the St. Joseph's Hospital.

Henry W. Sprole, Acting Indian Agent for the Fort Peck Agency, forwards a bill and letter from Richard Henry Pratt for the treatment of Albert Mulligan.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards voucher for expenses incurred in the treatment of Albert Mulligan.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards vouchers covering the treatment of two pupils for their eyes at the Medico-Chirurgical College.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards bill from the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital for an operation to save the life of a student.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay for the treatment of Mary Couture while on outing.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay for expenses incurred in the treatment of Peter Howe while Howe was on outing.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay expenses associated with the treatment of three students at the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay the medical expenses associated with the smallpox treatment of Thomas Walker while on outing.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay the expenses in the treatment of Louisa Ance while on outing.

Alfred John Standing forwards voucher of H. C. Barton for expenses incurred while Thomas Walker was on outing at Barton's home.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to reimburse the Carlisle Indian School private funds the expenses incurred in the treatment of Percy White Bear while on outing.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Dr. Charles A. Eastman was critically ill with pneumonia and required a consultation with Dr. C. A. Rahter of Harrisburg. Pratt requests authority to pay Rahter's bill.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay vouchers covering the treatment and recovery of a student with typhoid fever and another from pneumonia while on outing.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay the expenses associated with the treatment of Mary Tallchief's eyes at the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay the voucher for the treatment of Sherman Seneca at the Methodist Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay dental bills of students who do not have the money to cover the expense.