This folder contains documents related to Charles E. Dagenett's time in the Indian Service as Supervisor of Indian Employment. Dagenett enrolled at Carlisle in 1887 and graduated in 1891. Though he did work on and off in the Service in the 1891-1905 period, this folder only covers Dagenett's employment from 1905 onwards, (see his Service Record…

This folder contains documents related to Milton Zeigler's employment in the Indian Service. Zeigler served as the school harness maker and harness making instructor at Carlisle from 1900 to August of 1910.
This folder includes a few efficiency reports, a document with general biographical details, and a correspondence exchange in…

This folder consists of material compiled about Emma Lovewell by Office of Indian Affairs staff in Washington, DC while she worked in the Indian Service. Lovewell served as a teacher at Carlisle between 1909 and 1914. (She resigned from Carlisle and the Indian Service in general in December of 1914.)
Most of the documents in this folder…

Howard Fremont Stratton, Director of the Art Department at the School of Industrial Art of the Pennsylvania Museum, asks Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells why the Bureau of Indian Affairs does not pay the living expenses of Indian students, many of whom formerly attended Carlisle, accepted to his school. Stratton also forwards Sells an…

This folder consists of material compiled by Office of Indian Affairs staff in Washington, DC as related to Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman's employment with the Indian Service.
The four PDFs are in roughly chronological order, working from Friedman's early career as a government employee and early days as Superintendent at…

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Ellis Oberholtzer to have 70 students from the Carlisle Indian School participate in an historical pageant celebrating the 225th anniversary of the founding of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Further correspondence includes thanks from Oberholtzer following the…

This folder contains materials related to Mollie Gaither's time working in the Indian Service. Only the materials relevant to her time as Carlisle's Girl's Field Agent have been included. She was at Carlisle from October of 1904 until September of 1912.
The first PDF contains Gaither's service record card, a portrait, and paperwork…

These materials include correspondence regarding the Christmas festivities of 1908. The festivities included a lantern slide and moving picture film presentation of Hiawatha, various receptions, tree decorating, and entertainment.
Also included is a financial authority request for extra food for the Thanksgiving and Christmas…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1910" account for special medical treatment of students, to send students to Philadelphia for treatment, and for medicine and food for the school hospital. Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G . Valentine approves Friedman's…

This folder includes documents related to August Kensler's employment in the Indian Service. He worked at Carlisle as storekeeper and then quartermaster from December 1, 1892 until May 19, 1914 when he resigned.
At the beginning of the folder is negotiation of his resignation (Kensler briefly resigned in February of 1914, rescinded…

This folder contains documents related to Jennie Gaither's employment in the Indian Service. She worked in the Service from 1905 until approximately 1926. She worked as the matron at Carlisle from July of 1907 to January of 1913.
Documents in the first PDF include a photograph of Gaither with two young women, efficiency reports, and…

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll several Nez Perce students, including Rachel Penny and Caleb Carter. Carter required special permission from the Office of Indian Affairs due to his age.

The personnel folder compiled by Washington, DC staff of the Office of Indian Affairs as related to John Whitwell's employment in the Indian Service. At Carlisle Whitwell worked as the principal teacher at Carlisle from 1907-1914.
The folder has been split into four PDFs. "PDF One" covers a range of correspondence and reports…

Francis E. Smith asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for special permission to attend the Carlisle Indian School for an education, as Superintendent Moses Friedman told him he needed this special permission because he is older than the school's age limit. Education Division Chief J. H. Dortch tells Smith to consult with Cherokee Indian…

Correspondence regarding requests from Nancy Hill asking for the return of her son Isaac Hill following his unauthorized departure from his outing.

These materials contain correspondence regarding questions by Lillian S. King about the location and return of her son George King who had run away from the school.

Including documents from Benjamin Caswell's time as a government employee, this service file was compiled at the Office of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C. Although Caswell began his career as an assistant disciplinarian at Carlisle from 1893-1895, this folder focuses on the second half of Caswell's career. He worked as Superintendent of Cass…

Including documents from Siceni J. Nori's time employed as a clerk at Carlisle, this service file was compiled at the Office of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C. It comprises mostly of correspondence and official evaluations like efficiency reports.
The folder has been split into two PDFs. The first PDF primarily covers the…

A description of this item is not currently available.

Student report by Ernest Jacobs, titled "Iniskim or the Buffalo Rock," about the first Buffalo Rock and what it means to the Blackfeet Nation.

These eight notecards were printed by the students of the Carlisle Indian School at some unknown time. They contain moral sayings or prayers, come in different sizes and colors, and may not have been printed at the same time.

Thanksgiving Service booklet with printed songs, readings and prayers, printed at the Carlisle Indian School Print Shop.

These materials include correspondence reporting the death of Paul Sanders at the Carlisle Indian School by Superintendent Moses Friedman. Friedman further reported that Sanders' remains were returned to his parents in Charenton, Louisiana.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to slaughter 60 calves, 60 hogs, and 20 old and unproductive cows for their students to eat. He also requests to sell 20 cow and 60 calf hides. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott authorizes all of Friedman's requests.

Student essays entitled The Story of Enoch Arden written by the following: Elizabeth Fishe (Menominee), Philip Morris (Nez Perce), Elizabeth Lavatta (Shoshone), Levi Elk Looks Back (Sioux), John Jackson (Objiway, January 10, 1910, Lottie C. Tramper (Cherokee), Thomas Myiow (Mohawk), Hugh Wheelock (Oneida), William Yellowelk (Sioux), Anna Rose (…