John R. Proctor, Civil Service Commissioner, authorizes the temporary appointment of two assistant laundresses at the Carlisle Indian School.
Civil Service Appointment Form

President of the Civil Service Department John R. Procter extends assistant laundress Jennie Wolf's temporary employment.

John R. Procter, Civil Service Commissioner, approves the request of Thomas Ryan for the appointment of Leila W. Hayden as a clerk at the Carlisle Indian School.

Civil Service Commission approving an extension of the temporary appointments of Jennie Wolf and Lizzie James as assistant laundresses at the Carlisle Indian School.

John R. Procter, President of the Civil Service Commission, notes that George W. Taylor has been approved for a temporary appointment as Assistant Disciplinarian.

John R. Procter, Civil Service Commission President, forwards 10 copies of a newspaper ad to be circulated for the competitive examination of assistant disciplinarian at the Carlisle Indian School.

The Civil Service provides authorization for temporary appointment of a librarian at the Carlisle Indian School.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes a temporary appointment for the carriagemaker position at the Carlisle Indian School.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes the Carlisle Indian School to fill the outing matron position due to no register of eligible applicants.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes the temporary appointment of a domestic science teacher at the Carlisle Indian School.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, approves the emergency appointment of Charles W. Yeager as fireman at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, approves the emergency appointment of George L. Gottwerth as fireman at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, approves the emergency appointment of Johnson Bradley as fireman at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that a register of eligibles has been established for the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. As a result, the emergency appointments of George L. Gottwerth, Johnson Bradley, and Charles Yeager are to be discontinued.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that as there is no eligible register for filling the cook vacancy at Carlisle they are authorized to make an emergency appointment.

C. F. Larrabee informs William H. H. Austin that he has been appointed Assistant Carpenter at the Carlisle Indian School. Austin will be paid a salary of $720 per year.

These materials include the appointment certifications for William C. Terry as a Teacher in Mechanical Drawing. Terry was appointed to the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include two appointment orders for employment vacancies at Carlisle. Alice A. Van Deman was appointed as Assistant Matron, and William C. Terry was appointed as Teacher in Mechanical Drawing.

These materials include correspondence and certification records regarding William C. Terry's refusal to accept a position as Teacher of Mechanical Drawing at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence and an appointment form regarding Henderson Long's declination of his appointment as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. Long declined his position after learning that the price of employee boarding at the school was too high for him to afford on the allotted salary.

These materials include an appointment order for Elizabeth Searight as Assistant Seamstress at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include the appointment order for Henderson Long as Fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.

This material includes correspondence about a vacant fireman position which the administration was hoping to fill by a former student of the school, and about a vacant position as a teacher of mechanical drawing.

These materials include correspondence regarding the vacant position of Teacher in Mechanical Drawing at the Carlisle Indian School, and a suggestion to leave the position unfilled. Also included is the appointment order for Charles Sayler as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee appoints Alice Quinsenburry as Assistant Laundress at the Carlisle Indian School with a salary of $360 per year.