Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he hired Zoe McKenzie to serve as an interpreter and assistant matron when he brought Sioux students to the Carlisle Indian School in 1879. Pratt notes that he paid her a monthly salary of $10 and covered her expenses and requests authority from Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. E.…
School Employees - Matrons

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to keep Miss Hyde on the regular employee roll to continue in her role while alterations are made to the girls quarters. In addition, Pratt requests authority to pay for an irregular employee to visit outing pupils and to hire an additional clerk.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a request from Ella and Bessie Patterson to be transferred to the Albuquerque Indian School. Pratt provides the employment history of the Pattersons' at the Carlisle Indian School and recommends their request be granted.

Captain Richard H. Pratt sends the Commissioner of Indian Affairs a supplementary report of irregular employees for August 1890. Included is an explanatory cover letter in which Pratt provides information on the newly-appointed girls matron, Lydia E. Dittes.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to two Office of Indian Affairs letters regarding the construction of the Boiler House and the pay of student Nellie Carey as a matron.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Girls Matron position will be vacant as of July 31, 1892. Pratt notes that he has doubts that the Civil Service Commission can produce a suitable candidate due to the difficultly of the position.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Lydia Dittes has left Carlisle due to her health and in her place Pratt has promoted Lillie Ruth Shaffner.

John Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of three women (Jennie E. Martin, Cirrilla E. Needham, Constance M. Davenport) who are eligible to fill the vacant matron position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidates' names, addresses, and their civil service…

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs place a new teacher in the No. 11 room following the transfer of Lillie Ruth Shaffner to the position of Girl's Matron.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Lydia L. Hunt and recommends her for a position as a matron.

Richard Henry Pratt sends a telegram to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting to have matron Lillie R. Shaffner's leave of absence granted immediately.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting to have matron Lillie R. Shaffner's request for leave of absence be granted immediately.

Richard Henry Pratt mails a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting an answer to matron's Miss Shaffner's application for leave of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards another telegram to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting an answer to matron Lillie R. Shaffner's leave of absence immediately.

Richard Henry Pratt certifies various matters regarding the staff of the music and band departments at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests from W. N. Hailmann that Laura deRussey Berry be placed on the active list and transferred to the Carlisle Indian School as a matron, although he seems to want to employ her as a vocal music teacher.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards six certificates of attendance at summer school for several employees: M. Burgess (superintendent of printing), Florence M. Carter (teacher), Prudence Miles (assistant matron), Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Fannie I. Peter (teacher), and Kate S. Bowersox (teacher).

Mary H. Whelan requests a transfer from her position as an assistant nurse at the Carlisle Indian School to a field or school matron position.

Richard Henry Pratt requests a special civil service examination be held to allow Laura deRussey Berry to the position of vocal instructor at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt sends a telegram to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs granting Lida B. Given's a 20-day leave of absence because of the fatal illness of her father.

Martha B. Hench requests a transfer to a more independent position in the Indian Service after having been an assistant matron at the Carlisle Indian School for three years. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the letter with his approval and recommendation.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter explaining his decision to not renominate Rose Bourassa and Martha Hench for continued employment at Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that various vacant positions be filled by assignment from the Civil Service lists and that he has filled one teaching position temporarily. Pratt further requests that he be allowed to fill any other position temporarily.

Ella Rickert informs the Office of Indian Affairs that she wishes to be transferred to a school in the Northwest until a position in South Dakota opens.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to a circular from W. N. Hailmann by providing information related to the duties of various positions at the Carlisle Indian School.