William A. Mercer forwards a letter from school physician Ferdinand Shoemaker and provides additional context for the request to purchase a secondhand dental drill for the use of dentists to treat students.

F. Shoemaker, the school physician, compiles the sanitary report for the quarter ending on June 30, 1906.

W. A. Mercer recommends that former student Susie Maria Rayos be appointed as a teacher in the Indian Service. Mercer forwards Rayos' application to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and endorses her in his cover letter. Mercer advises the Commissioner of a teacher's position awaiting Rayos at Asbury Park, New Jersey, and requests an…

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists an employee who has left the school (Genus E. Baird) and all employees working at the school to start the 1906-1907 fiscal year. These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay student labor over the summer in lieu of them earning wages over the summer on outing.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he will consider the objections raised by the Acting Judge Advocate General in having the Carlisle Indian School serve as a training ground for the United States Cavalry.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay telephone rent, for medical treatment of students on outing, and for transportation and board of students being treated in Philadelphia during the 1907 fiscal year.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay $400 for the rent of the Henderson Tract in order to use the land for pasture.

William A. Mercer requests $400 for the rental of the Alexander Tract during the current year to use a playground for students of the Carlisle Indian School.

Angel De Cora submits a report on her first five months in charge of the Native Arts Industry at the Carlisle Indian School to William A. Mercer.

William A. Mercer requests to know more about an Act of Congress appropriating money for the return of students from Alaska to their homes. Mercer notes that two students in particular should be sent home as soon as possible due to consumption.

William A. Mercer requests to know if the recent appropriation allowing for funds to transport Alaskan students to their homes would apply to Lottie Hilton.

William A. Mercer follows up on his recommendation to grant Effie G. Moul's request to transfer her and to send another assistant matron to the Carlisle Indian School in her place.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employee (Michael Barron), an employee who's hired and then fired (William M. Hays), and employees who have left the school (H. W. Leaman and E. G. Sprow). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

William A. Mercer requests to know if the Carlisle Indian School industrial department can sell wagons or buggies to the public. Mercer states that the school generally makes two or three vehicles above the requests of the Indian Service that are disposed of through public auction to keep up instruction.

William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs fill the position of printer through the Civil Service Commission's list of eligible candidates.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Effie G. Moul accepts the transfer to the position of teacher at Rapid City, South Dakota.

William A. Mercer responds to request of Red Tomahawk to return his daughter Catherine Red Tomahawk.

Correspondence related to the request of Arthur A. Heald, Superintendent of the Public Schools of the Town of Wareham, to enroll Eva and Ellen Simons at the Hampton School or the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer provides the cost of returning 35 students to their homes in Alaska on account of expired terms of enrollment and ill health.

E. Corbett submits her resignation as assistant seamstress at the Carlisle Indian School due to her health. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation to the Office of Indian Affairs and requests it to be accepted.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Benedict A. Cox who was appointed to the mason position at the Carlisle Indian School has not reported for duty.

W. A. Mercer forwards disciplinarian E. H. Colegrove's application for a 24-day leave of absence.

W. G. Thompson discusses the excavation for the new hospital building and provides a sketch of the ground on which the hospital is being built.

Estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1906 amounting to $68,102.90 for support of the school and for transportation of Indian supplies, $13,915.00 of which is for regular employee pay.