A view taken in the winter looking at the far northwestern part of the school grounds, showing many people standing on the bridge over the Letort Creek and many people skating on the frozen pond created by damming the creek.
Student Leisure Activities

William A. Mercer forwards a lease of the farm belonging to Annie and Laura Alexander for use as a drill and athletic ground for the small boys as well as a play ground for the girls. Mercer notes that the farm has been paid for with the boys athletic fund for two quarters but that the fund can no longer be used.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding his recommendation for the lease of the Alexander Tract. Mercer details the funds available for the lease and other possible options to raise the funds including selling harness.

William A. Mercer requests $400 for the rental of the Alexander Tract during the current year to use a playground for students of the Carlisle Indian School.

The father of Matthew and Wendell Jones describes his visit to the Carlisle Indian School. He discusses the games many of the students played as well as the work that was being done on the school grounds.
Also included is a letter from the widow of Wendell Jones noting that she had made a copy of the letter in 1988.

Special Indian Agent W. W. McConihe recommends that the Carlisle Indian School cancel the lease for the 21 acre Alexander plot of land. McConihe states the rental was originally authorized to provide adequate space for older male students to perform military drills as well as for younger students of both sexes to have a playground. However, the…

Supervisor in Charge Charles H. Dickson agrees that the school does not need to renew their lease of the Alexander tract when it expires on June 30 because the students do not use it for play or for drills. Dickson argues against cancelling the lease immediately because the school can harvest "15 to 20 tons of hay before June 30."

These materials include correspondence and a copy of the Independence Day Program for the Indian School for 1909. The festivities included athletic activities, fireworks, a patriotic salute, and songs. The program was forwarded to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs by Carlisle's superintendent.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman forwards Agreements covering the rental of the Henderson tract of land adjoining the school for fiscal year 1911. Chief of the Education Division J. H. Dortch returns the contract and four copies and asks Friedman to sign it. Friedman returns the corrected and signed documents to the…
Social Plays, Games, Marches, Old Folk Dances and Rhythmic Movements for use in Indian Schools, 1911

Pamphlet issued by the Office of Indian Affairs to provide a manual for physical instruction in Indian Schools. Includes suggestions for equipment, reference books, and instructions on various singing, rhythmic, games without singing, and parlor games.

Supervisor Oscar H. Lipps requests authorization to spend funds for fiscal years 1915 and 1916 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which will be used for dairy cow pasturage and a skating rink.