Correspondence regarding William A. Mercer's proposed plan to have a Cavalry troop at the Carlisle Indian School as well as the proposed legislation in both the Indian Appropriation Bill and Army Bill.

Major W. A. Mercer calls attention to a previous request for 100 Form 5-155b, Extra sheets to Property Return and asks that the forms be sent promptly.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the death of Albert Williams (referred to here as Adelbert Williams) due to scarlet fever while on outing in Reading, Pennsylvania.

William A. Mercer requests to use the bequest of Harriet W. Taber to build a photographic gallery or art building at the entrance of the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs request regarding his recommendation to fill the dairyman position. Mercer notes that Norman Egolf who is temporary filling the position would be his recommendation but he is not currently eligible and that he will ask Egolf to apply for papers to take the examination.

This folder contains documents related to Milton Zeigler's employment in the Indian Service. Zeigler served as the school harness maker and harness making instructor at Carlisle from 1900 to August of 1910.
This folder includes a few efficiency reports, a document with general biographical details, and a correspondence exchange in…

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter forwarding a letter from Fanny G. Paull in which she expresses her loyalty to the Carlisle Indian School. Paull had been transferred from Carlisle to Haskell on the grounds of "disloyalty."

J. R. Wise forwards a proof copy of approximately three-quarters of the C. E. Kelsey report due to the size of the report. Wise notes that following the receipt of the proof the first sheets will be printed and the rest of the report will be set up for examination.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employee (Harry B. Lamason) and employee who have left the school (Elizabeth C. Sloan). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Affairs inquiry regarding the shipment of a wagonette shipped from Carlisle to the superintendent of the Albuquerque School. Wise goes through how the wagonette was shipped and ways to reduce the cost of shipment for an upcoming wagonette shipment to the Riverside School.

William A. Mercer forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs the remainder of the revised proofs for the report of C. E. Kelsey. Mercer notes that upon the return of the proofs the school will distribute the copies and forwarded.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Adaline Kingsley desires to take the matron-seamstress examination and requests arrangements be made for the exam to be held under his supervision.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists temporary employee (Evalyn Mac Key). The report includes position title and salary.

Major W. A. Mercer requests an additional ten blank "Record and Qualifications" of employees forms because the number received on the previous requisition was insufficient.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding have Milton I. Zeigler travel to Chicago to inspect samples of leather.

William A. Mercer compiles a revised report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report lists employees' salaries and position titles as well. Also included is a letter from Mercer responding to the letter of April 16, 1906 from the…

William A. Mercer refers to vacancies in the blacksmith, mason, and assistant matron positions and the salaries and job qualifications needed to fill the positions.

Estimate of funds for the fourth quarter of 1906 amounting to $21,368.68 for support of the school, $13,580.00 of which is for regular employee pay. Note that the regular employee form says that it is the third quarter, but that is likely a typo.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for the expenses incurred in the burial of Albert Williams (referred to here as Adelbert Williams) who died from scarlet fever while on outing.

William A. Mercer responds to the request to return Claudia and Arline Allen.

William A. Mercer requests the position of tinner be changed to assistant tinner in order to appoint Henry Gordon to the position when his time as a student expires.

William A. Mercer reports the death of Pariscovia Fiedoff (here Pariscovia Feoderoff) due to consumption.

Wrap for report on the qualifications of employees at the Carlisle Indian School.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employee (Mae Justus). The report includes position title and salary.

This folder consists of material compiled about Emma Lovewell by Office of Indian Affairs staff in Washington, DC while she worked in the Indian Service. Lovewell served as a teacher at Carlisle between 1909 and 1914. (She resigned from Carlisle and the Indian Service in general in December of 1914.)
Most of the documents in this folder…