Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, requesting $4000 be transferred to his credit for the purposes of settling debts and paying owed salaries. A note in the file suggests that the Commissioner had a total of $7000 transferred into Pratt's account.
Financial Affairs - School Budget

Richard Henry Pratt sends a list of positions and salaries for the 1882 fiscal year. The list includes clerks, farmers, teachers, matrons, various superintendents, band leader, various industrial teachers, cooks, disciplinarians, a teamster, chaplain, nurse, and an individual to be in charge of the animals. There is also a Department of the…

Richard Henry Pratt requests an increase in the proposed appropriation for 1883 allocated to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests a reduction in various rations in order to purchase additional cows for providing a greater milk supply to students. Pratt cites a visit from Dr. Cornelius Rea Agnew and his recommendation that for a healthy student body students be allowed to drink as much milk as they want in the morning and evening. To follow…

Copy of a letter Richard Henry Pratt sent to Congressman Frank Hiscock, Chairman Appropriations Committee in the House of Representatives regarding the Committee's hearing on the Carlisle Indian School's appropriation. Pratt disagrees with the idea that the school is being run in an extravagant manner and that while he can run the school on a…

Richard H. Pratt submits a statement of cost form that lists the total amounts for subsistence, clothing, school materials, school furnishings, light and fuel, buildings and repairs, miscellaneous expenses, and the value of subsistence raised by school and issued to pupils for the quarter ending September 30, 1887. Pratt also forwards a lengthy…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs plan to secure $100,000 for the Carlisle Indian School to have 1000 students during the upcoming school year and asks for an additional $10,000 to build a small girls dormitory. In addition, he asks for $5,000 to cover the debt incurred during the building of the gymnasium and large…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a prior conversation with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding the number of students for the upcoming 1890-1891 school year. Pratt notes that it would likely be less than 75 students who will be returned home at the end of the school year leaving the school with 600 students and plans on securing 160…

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to send home students who were entitled to return at the end of June as well as bring in new students before the beginning of the new school year. Pratt notes that 100 students are due to be returned, with 150 students set to come in under office orders. Pratt claims that there are many personal requests…

Estimate of funds for the third quarter of 1891 amounting to $13,466.90 for support of the school.

Estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1892 amounting to $54,367.65 for support of the school, transportation of Indian supplies, and stock cattle.

Richard Henry Pratt requests $3000 for the fiscal year in order to pay for travel and incidental expenses in the transportation of students from Carlisle to their homes and brining students to the school.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the school is ready to carry the 1000 students the Department has allocated for Carlisle. However because the amount is material the school will need $115,000 to cover support and transportation.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from Thomas J. Morgan regarding accepting students from Arizona. Pratt states that he would not hesitate to accept pupils during the winter. In addition he discusses delaying their enrollment to the spring when he can send current pupils on outing to limit the burden of his appropriation which is nearly…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that in order to have 1000 students for the upcoming academic year that they will need to be brought to Carlisle in the current fiscal year. This will require the students to be selected while the agency schools are in session in order to get the best students. Pratt requests that…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter requiring him to cover the expense of the San Carlos Agent for the costs of transporting Justin Head and Norman Cassadore from Wilcox to San Carlos. Pratt notes that filling this order places him in an awkward situation as he only permitted Cassadore to return at his own expense…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Office of Indian Affairs letter requesting an estimate of the amount needed for support for fiscal year ending June 30, 1894. Pratt provides the enrollment statistics for the school and its capacity during the past year. In addition Pratt proposes building employee housing in order to have them on the campus at…

School Statistics accompanying the Annual Report for the 1892 Fiscal Year.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning to the estimate of funds for the third quarter of 1893. Pratt goes through various ways he has already reduced costs and notes that if needed he will send students on outing earlier to further reduce expenses.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that only 11 teachers and assistants were on the payroll for July 1893 and three of them did not receive pay. As a result, three others on order of the Office does not exceed the authority.

Alfred John Standing submits school statistics accompanying the annual report requested by the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests $2,000 additional funding to return students to their homes as well as bringing students to Carlisle.

School statistics accompanying the 1894 annual report for the Carlisle Indian School.

Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1895 amounting to $17,638.09 for support of the school.

Richard Henry Pratt requests an additional $3000 for transportation students to and from their homes.