The service record card for Marianna Burgess's employment with the Office of Indian Affairs. The card indicates that she began working as a teacher at the Pawnee Agency in 1873 then left to become a teacher at Carlisle in 1880. She continued to teach at Carlisle until 1884 when she became a Truant Officer, a Registering Officer, then the…
School Employees - Printing Office

Richard Henry Pratt requests to add one assistant in the Printing Office in his estimate for Irregular Service for April 1887.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to employ a Carlisle Indian School graduate from 1889, Joe Harris, as an Assistant Printer at $240 a year.

Richard Henry Pratt sends a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs advising him that M. Burgess' (superintendent of printing), Prudence Miles' (dining room matron), and Florence M. Carter's (teacher) leave of absence requests should be granted a few days before school ends because they live on the Pacific coast.

Assistant Superintendent A. J. Standing sends a telegram to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting an immediate answer to Burgess', Miles', and Carter's leave of absence requests.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards six certificates of attendance at summer school for several employees: M. Burgess (superintendent of printing), Florence M. Carter (teacher), Prudence Miles (assistant matron), Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Fannie I. Peter (teacher), and Kate S. Bowersox (teacher).

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to consolidate the positions of Band Leader and Assistant Printer in order to retain James Riley Wheelock.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the resignations of Kenall Paul (here S. Kendall Paul) and Cora B. Wheeler (both former students) from the school's staff.

Richard Henry Pratt requests changes in the salaries of the Band Manager, Assistant Printer, and to add two students as Assistant Printers.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the report covering the leave of absence for Marianna Burgess was in error. Pratt provides the correct dates and notes that in the future he can seek approval via telegraph if the Office requires it.

Superintendent of Printing Marianna Burgess requests a leave of absence to attend the Indian Convention at Newport, Oregon and for 20 days vacation. Richard H. Pratt forwards and approves Burgess' request.

Correspondence regarding the complaint of Joseph C. Hart, Superintendent of the Oneida Indian School, regarding the recruitment of students for the Carlisle Indian School without his consent.

Marianna Burgess submits her resignation as Superintendent of Printing at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests that the Office of Indian Affairs assign an unmarried man as a replacement.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs regarding the vacancy in the Superintendent of Printing position. Mercer notes that he is willing to increase the salary if the Office is only able to secure an appointment through the higher salary.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that with the Printing Department being run as efficiently as ever without a Superintendent of Printing that the position should be abolished.

Report of W. G. Thompson on the Printing Department of the Carlisle Indian School providing information asked by the Office of Indian Affairs.

William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs fill the position of printer through the Civil Service Commission's list of eligible candidates.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Karl H. Baker and Andrew H. Wolter have not reported for the positions of printer and florist respectively.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Karl H. Baker has reported for duty and resumed his duties as printer at the Carlisle Indian School.

Former printer Karl H. Baker asks for the annual leave that he believes he was due before his dismissal/resignation from the Carlisle Indian School. Superintendent Moses Friedman states that Baker has several unpaid debts to Carlisle Indian School employees and to Carlisle businesses.
Furthermore, Friedman forwards clerk S. J. Nori's…

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he meant to recommend an increase in salary for the printer Karl H. Baker.
Frank M. Conser, Chief Clerk, responds that the increase in salary has been granted.

Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior F. M. Conser informs the Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School that W. A. Adams sent him a $5 bill against K. W. Baker, a former printer at the school. The Chief Clerk informs the Superintendent that, because Adams is no longer employed by the Indian Office, he has no control over the bill.…

This folder contains documents related to James Riley Wheelock's employment and applications for employment in the Indian Service. It covers the second period of his employment at the Sherman Institute, Carlisle Indian School, and Genoa Indian School from 1914-1920. Then it touches on Wheelock's repeated attempts to be reinstated as a band…