William A. Mercer requests Sara Pierre be transferred to another school due to no longer performing her duties as hospital cook.
Medical Care at School

William A. Mercer forwards additional receipts for accounts of individual students of individual Indian moneys not included in cash papers previously sent. Also included are receipts for disbursements from the Emergency Account as well as documenting other Emergency Account disbursements for which there are no receipts.
Note: It is…

William A. Mercer makes suggestions to the hospital building plans under construction concerning the lavatories and sewer connections.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for medical treatment of students while on outing, taking students to Philadelphia for special treatment as well as board, and medicine and special diets of students in the school hospital.

William A. Mercer provides an update on the conditions of the physical plant of the Carlisle Indian School and provides an estimate for the 1909 fiscal year appropriation.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School Carlisle, Pa., 1909" account for medical treatment of students on outing, transport of pupils to Philadelphia for special medical treatment, and food and medicine in the school hospital. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee gives…

In light of a plan submitted by Carlisle Indian School Physician Dr. Shoemaker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp directs Superintendent Moses Friedman to prepare an itemized list of supplies needed to build a tuberculosis camp. Friedman sends Leupp a blueprint of a camp. (The blueprint is attached in this file)
Chief of…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1909" account on special medical treatments for students, taking students to Philadelphia for treatment, and for medicine and food for the hospital.

These materials include an excerpt of Dr. Joseph A. Murphy's health inspection report on the Carlisle Indian School from February 1909, as well as a letter from Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Frank M. Conser to Dr. Murphy asking when they can expect to receive the full report. Included in the excerpt is a discussion of tuberculosis…

These materials include a health report of the Carlisle Indian School, performed by Medical Supervisor Dr. Joseph A. Murphy in December 1908. Murphy's report included a study of the school's physical plant, students' health conditions including tuberculosis and trachoma, and recommendations. The report includes statements on the health of…

This material includes a forwarded press copy report detailing the findings of Medical Supervisor Joseph A. Murphy's investigation of tuberculosis at the Carlisle Indian School in 1909. This report includes a list of pupils diagnosed with tuberculosis and recommended to be sent home, as well as recommendations for changes to the dormitories.…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1910" account for special medical treatment of students, to send students to Philadelphia for treatment, and for medicine and food for the school hospital. Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G . Valentine approves Friedman's…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman sends a pamphlet on tuberculosis to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp. The pamphlet should give Leupp an idea of how the school is going to treat and manage the disease.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1911" account for special medical treatment for students, taking students to Philadelphia for treatment, and for medicine and food for the school hospital. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott requests that…

This material includes a complaint made by student Anna Bebeaux concerning poor conditions at the school hospital, and the results of an investigation into the matter by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Correspondence regarding a report made by Joseph A. Murphy, Medical Supervisor, regarding the medical work of the Carlisle Indian School with a focus on tuberculosis. Murphy's report also includes the hospital regulations for the School for 1911 and Dr. A. R. Allen's 1911 report for the previous six months.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman forwards and endorses thoughts from Visiting Physician A. R. Allen. Allen suggests that because smallpox is epidemic at many reservations, the school should be notified whenever an outbreak occurs so that they can fumigate letters coming from places affected by the disease to the school.…

Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the former superintendents, like William A. Mercer, created an Emergency Fund from any amount of money earned and left by deserting students. Friedman states that the money was placed in a local bank and currently has a balance of $11,39.66. He notes that Mercer did…

These materials include correspondence and pamphlets related to circular orders and regulations in force at the Carlisle Indian School under Superintendent Moses Friedman. Friedman forwarded the documents to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for approval. The forwarded documents include a blank Pupil's Health Report, the Outline of Course for…

This document contains correspondence concerning the retention of students with tuberculosis at boarding schools including Carlisle. Indian Service officials including Joseph Murphy, Medical Supervisor and Ferdinand Shoemaker, Physical Expert in Tuberculosis and Trachoma for the Indian Service make policy suggestions.

This document contains correspondence regarding an anonymous letter that was sent complaining of the conditions at the guardhouse, the hospital, and the school farm. The complaint discusses the treatment of Wesley Two Moons, who later dies at the school.

Daniel W. White, the Department of the Interior Eye and Trachoma Expert, asks Carlisle Indian School Surgeon in Charge Dr. A. R. Allen to request, through Superintendent Friedman, to send White to Carlisle after the holidays. Allen forwards White's letter to Friedman. Friedman requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs send White to the…

This document contains reports and correspondence about eye examinations of Carlisle's students, performed in 1912. Included are statistics and lists of students in need of specific eye treatments, as well as recommendations on preventing further eye infections from spreading through the school.

The typed transcript of Dr. A. R. Allen's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Allen had just been replaced as the school physician, having worked at the school from 1910 to the end of 1913.
In his testimony Allen recounts the hospital facilities, common health problems, and his efforts to…

The typed transcript of Dr. Walter Rendtorff's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Rendtorff had just begun working at the school as a physician.
In his testimony Rendtorff tells the Commission about his first meeting with Superintendent Friedman and estimates the number of students with…