Inspection of the School

Displaying 1 - 25 of 29 records
Request for a Sanitary Inspection
March 26, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to send Dr. Kellogg to inspect the sanitary conditions at the Carlisle Indian School and to inspect and consult with him on the precautions that they should be taking.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Cooper Reports Completion of Investigation of Carlisle
March 7, 1890

James A. Cooper, Special Agent, reports to the Office of Indian Affairs that he has completed his investigation of the Carlisle Indian School. As a result he will now proceed west to the St. Joseph's Indian Normal School in Rensselaer, Indiana.

National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report of R. C. Bauer
April 25, 1898

R. C. Bauer, Supervisor and Special Disbursing Agent, provides a general inspection report of the Carlisle Indian School focusing particularly on the outing system.

National Archives and Records Administration
Report and Recommendations on the Carlisle Indian School and Outing System
September 24, 1898

A. O. Wright, Supervisor of Indian Schools, provides a report on the Carlisle Indian School focusing on the outing program. Wright provides details of the school as he found it as well as provides recommendations for improvement.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Holland Quick Inspection Report of Carlisle
December 22, 1898

M. F. Holland, Supervisor of Indian Schools, provides the Office of Indian Affairs with a inspection report of the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Requests Sanitary Inspections of School Buildings be Conducted
January 27, 1905

William A. Mercer requests an inspection be made of school buildings at the Carlisle Indian School and suggestions be made for improving sanitary conditions.

National Archives and Records Administration
Construction Inspection Report of John Charles for March 1905
March 11, 1905 - January 2, 1909

These materials include correspondence and a report regarding construction, buildings, and grounds at the Carlisle Indian School, performed in 1905 by John Charles. Medical Supervisor Dr. Joseph A. Murphy requested the report in 1908, and returned it to the Bureau office in 1909.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Olive Requests Instructions for Investigation at Carlisle
February 20, 1907

W. S. Olive, Special Indian Agent, requests instructions from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding whether he should remain at Carlisle during William A. Mercer's absence before taking up the matter of individual Indian money.

A separate note from C. F. Larrabee asks if Mercer is on general or special authority for his absence from…

National Archives and Records Administration
Financial Inspection Report of Wilbur T. Elliott for October 1907
October 28, 1907

These materials include a report on Carlisle's financial methods and office-keeping by Bureau of Indian Affairs Special Agent Wilbur T. Elliott.

National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report of Estelle Reel for May 1908
May 16, 1908

These materials include an inspection report performed by Superintendent of Indian Schools Estelle Reel in May, 1908. Reel's report mentions the buildings and grounds (including the new hospital), improvements since the previous visit, student oratory work, and student artwork.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Excerpt from Health Inspection Report of Dr. Joseph A. Murphy for February 1909
February 5-24, 1909

These materials include an excerpt of Dr. Joseph A. Murphy's health inspection report on the Carlisle Indian School from February 1909, as well as a letter from Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Frank M. Conser to Dr. Murphy asking when they can expect to receive the full report. Included in the excerpt is a discussion of tuberculosis…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Health Inspection Report of Dr. Joseph A. Murphy for February 1909
February 5, 1909

These materials include a health report of the Carlisle Indian School, performed by Medical Supervisor Dr. Joseph A. Murphy in December 1908. Murphy's report included a study of the school's physical plant, students' health conditions including tuberculosis and trachoma, and recommendations. The report includes statements on the health of…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report of James McLaughlin for November 1910
November 3, 1910 - July 13, 1911

This material includes correspondence concerning a November 1910 inspection of Carlisle by James McLaughlin. This includes information concerning the guard house, a list of runaway students, and an investigation into the administrative affairs at the school. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report
February 20, 1911

These materials include Supervisor C. F. Peirce's Inspection Report. Peirce deems that no action is necessary.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report of Charles F. Peirce for January 1912
January 15, 1912

These materials include an inspection report of Charles F. Peirce, Supervisor of Indian Schools, on the Carlisle Indian School in early 1912, as well as correspondence regarding the reports. Peirce makes a number of recommendations, in particular regarding the business and telegraph departments, and provides an overview of the schools various…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Response to Inspection Report of Charles F. Peirce for January 1912
January 23, 1912 - March 6, 1912

These materials include an excerpt of Charles F. Peirce's inspection report of January 1912, and Superintendent Moses Friedman's responses to his recommendations. Friedman rejected many of Peirce's recommendations regarding the chain of authority and command at the school. Other recommendations, focused on industrial curricula and student…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Accounting Inspection Report of H. T. Brown for August 1913
March 31 - August 12, 1913

These materials include an inspection of accounting and office practices at the Carlisle Indian School, performed by Supervisor H. T. Brown in August, 1913. The report includes a lamp inspection form as well as discussions of accounting, record-keeping, office equipment, personnel evaluations, and financial practices.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Front page of document, titled Report of The Carlisle Indian School By Inspector E. B. Linnen
February 24, 1914

Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings after conducting an investigation of the Carlisle Indian School in early 1914. Broken up into approximately 20 sections, this report discusses the shortcomings Linnen found with Moses Friedman's administration of the school including use of corporal punishment, misappropriation of athletic funds…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed report
March 23, 1914

Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings from a follow-up visit to Carlisle for the 1914 investigation of the school. 

In the first section Linnen narrates his findings of further financial mismanagement includes having the government pay for transportation that students had already paid for out of their own funds, not…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
photograph of man in suit and tie, sitting sideways on chair
April 22, 1914 - July 10, 1918

Edward B. Linnen was an inspector from the Bureau of Indian Affairs who visited Carlisle. His inspection was part of a larger investigation in the spring of 1914. This post includes selections from his employee paperwork collected by the BIA while he worked in the Indian Service. 

The selections include a set of letters about…

Letters/Correspondence, Photographs
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding 1914 Congressional Investigation
May 4, 1914 - October 25, 1918

These materials include correspondence and legal documents regarding the 1914 internal and Congressional investigations into Superintendent Moses Friedman and Chief Clerk Siceni J. Nori of the Carlisle Indian School. Included is copied and original correspondence regarding the resignation of Friedman and Nori, legal discussions regarding…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report of J. H. Dortch for May 1915
May 1, 1915

These materials include an inspection report of J. H. Dortch for his visit to the Carlisle Indian School. His report includes discussions of new staff, the school's physical plant and curriculum, and continued disciplinary changes being enacted under Superintendent Oscar Hiram Lipps.

National Archives and Records Administration
Discipline Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for May 1915
May 20-29, 1915

These materials include a report and correspondence regarding H. B. Peairs' investigation of discipline at the Carlisle Indian School in May, 1915. The report notes numerous improvements that were made and should be pursued. Superintendent Oscar Hiram Lipps addresses the report's recommendations.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Original of Discipline Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for May 1915
May 20, 1915

These materials include a report by H. B. Peairs on the discipline among boys at the Carlisle Indian School. The report discusses changes enacted by Oscar Hiram Lipps, who was promoted from Supervisor in Charge to Superintendent during this discipline investigation.

National Archives and Records Administration
General School Updates and Documents Concerning School Health, 1916
February 7- December 31, 1916

These materials include correspondence, ledger pages, inspection reports, and government forms regarding multiple health topics connected to the Carlisle Indian School. Included is an Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for February 1916, Physician's Semiannual Reports for the first and second halves of 1916, statistical reports of diseases for…

Ledgers, Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration