William A. Mercer informs Francis E. Leupp that he could not determine the writer of an envelope. The envelope contained a list of Carlisle employees as characters in the Book of Esther.
William A. Mercer recommends amendments to Regulations of the Indian Office focusing on Section 194 on allowing open market purchases as well as Section 454 with small property being expendable rather than going through a board of survey.
William A. Mercer provides justification for hiring Charles Sorrell as an assistant cook, explaining that Sorrell is no longer a student.
William A. Mercer responds to the Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the appointment of William H. Stutts as assistant farmer.
J. R. Wise follows up on William A. Mercer's request to have a male drawing teacher appointed to the vacancy caused by the transfer of Fred W. Canfield. A note from J. H. Dortch refers to Commissioner Frances E. Leupp's plan to have Angel De Cora fill the position.
Captain William A. Mercer submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during November 1905. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.
Major William A. Mercer submits a reports that lists new employee (Stephen Albanez), employee who have left the school (Evalyn Mackey), and those who have changed positions (Sadie F. Robertson). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs that John P. Rice and Thomas F. Dowd have not reported for duty.
William A. Mercer compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries and position titles.
William A. Mercer requests authority for the purchase of underwear for the treatment of a student with Brights' disease.
Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new temporary employee (Norman Egolf). The report includes position title and salary.
J. R. Wise submits to the Office of Indian Affairs a lease between A. P. and R. M. Henderson as well as the Carlisle Indian School for the lease of the Henderson Tract.
Thomas Clarke declines the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. J. R. Wise forwards the letter along with the appointment letter to the Office of Indian Affairs.
J. R. Wise requests that the $94 for a surrey sold to Grand Junction School be credited to the 1906 fiscal year appropriation.
J. R. Wise requests the transfer of Cloy Montgomery from the Sac & Fox Indian School in Oklahoma to the Carlisle Indian School as a teacher. Wise includes the Montgomery's letter accepting the transfer if offered.
J. R. Wise responds to the Office of Indian Affairs appointing Stephen Albanez as a fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. Wise also discusses the retention of Philibert Lutz who is temporary employed in the position as well as the appointment of Thomas Clarke.
J. R. Wise responds to the complaint of John Wahbnum regarding his claim that he was unable to obtain the money he had left at Carlisle.
J. R. Wise forwards the comments of Milton I. Zeigler regarding the shoe and harness materials requested by the Superintendent of the Fort Shaw Indian School.
J. R. Wise reports the death of John Quagin of pneumonia to the Office of Indian Affairs.
J. R. Wise submits voucher for services of C. McConnel in examining applicants for the Carlisle Indian School in Hogansburg, New York.
J. R. Wise requests authority to pay the voucher for the burial of John Quagin.
William A. Mercer returns the contract for the lease of the Henderson Tract to the Office of Indian Affairs for correction. Mercer requests that the contract be renewed for one year beginning on January 1, 1906.
Major William A. Mercer submits two reports that list new employee (Michael J. Gumebriell), employees who have left the school (Daniel A. Reed), and a temporary employee (Frank B. Green). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
Luzena E. Tibbetts resigns her position as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards her resignation to the Office of Indian Affairs along with a note that he will provide a recommendation to fill the vacancy in a later letter.
William A. Mercer follows up on the transfer of Henry Vertreace, blacksmith, to a position in the Indian Service that does not require educational qualifications.