The first page opened with a poem by E.G. titled "After Carlisle, What?” followed by the next installment of the series titled “How An Indian Girl Might Tell Her Own Story if She Had the Chance: Founded on Actual Observations of the Man-on-the-band-stand’s Chief Clerk” (continued from the previous week). The story continued on the fourth page.…
School Library

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1899, containing the Twentieth Annual Report of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. The report, submitted by Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt, includes a school population table and discussions of the school's…

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report responding to questions from the Office of Indian Affairs on the needs of the Carlisle Indian School. Included are discussions on the need for more land, additional educational needs, and industrial training including the limitations of the industrial instruction received at Carlisle.
Pratt also…

Charles H. Thompson forwards an inspection report of the Carlisle Indian School on March 2, 1892. Thompson's report examines a wide range of topics related to the school including the buildings, health of students, food, student's social lives, industrial training, outings, and academic training.
Thompson also includes a number of…

A. O. Wright, Supervisor of Indian Schools, provides a report on the Carlisle Indian School focusing on the outing program. Wright provides details of the school as he found it as well as provides recommendations for improvement.

Edgar A. Allen submits list of books to add to the Carlisle Indian School library along with the lowest prices given by bidders.

William A. Mercer requests authority to subscribe to various periodicals for the Carlisle Indian School library.

William A. Mercer requests authority to renew subscriptions to various publications for library.

Members of the Susan Longstreth Literary Society propose to name the new library after William A. Mercer.

Thomas J. Rush inquires if the Carlisle Indian School Library could use the three volume History of the Indian Tribes of North America by Thomas L. McKenney and James Hall. A note from Commissioner Francis E. Leupp notes that Miss Cook should be consulted about their own library.

Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke informs Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School Oscar H. Lipps that they have just sent two color maps of the parts of Europe that are in conflict and suggests hanging them up in frames and using pins to mark different points of interest.
Commissioner Cato Sells tells…

Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt informs Supervisor Oscar H. Lipps that they have several strategic maps of central Europe and asks if they would be useful at the school. Lipps replies that they would be "very glad to have these maps" in the school library. Assistant Commissioner C. F. Hauke informs Lipps that he…

These materials include correspondence, ledger pages, inspection reports, and government forms regarding multiple health topics connected to the Carlisle Indian School. Included is an Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for February 1916, Physician's Semiannual Reports for the first and second halves of 1916, statistical reports of diseases for…

Supervisor of Schools H. B. Peairs' report on the Academic and Industrial Departments at Carlisle focuses on methods of instruction (i.e. too much written work), attendance, industrial department trades, outings of trade students, agriculture, domestic departments (cooking, sewing, laundering, home training and nursing), religious organizations…

J. H. Dortch inquires of Oscar H. Lipps if the Carlisle Indian School Library has a copy of the Indian Population in the United States and Alaska for 1910.

The Arthur H. Clark Company informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that they shipped a set of Volume 2 of "American Indian, as Slave-Holders, Secessionists, and During the Reconstruction" to the Carlisle Indian School and that they have not been paid because the school is closed.
Assistant Commissioner E. B. Meritt asks the…