Sells, Cato

Displaying 126 - 150 of 196 records
Bureau of Indian Affairs Report on State of the School
February 7 - March 13, 1916

Supervisor of Schools H. B. Peairs provides a report on Carlisle's food, dining room, clothing, floors, rooms and decoration, and physical training. Based on his report, Peairs makes a series of recommendations based on his report to Carlisle Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps. Lipps forwards it to various Carlisle employees and endorses the…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
General School Updates and Documents Concerning School Health, 1916
February 7- December 31, 1916

These materials include correspondence, ledger pages, inspection reports, and government forms regarding multiple health topics connected to the Carlisle Indian School. Included is an Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for February 1916, Physician's Semiannual Reports for the first and second halves of 1916, statistical reports of diseases for…

Ledgers, Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report on Academic and Industrial Departments
February 7 - August 26, 1916

Supervisor of Schools H. B. Peairs' report on the Academic and Industrial Departments at Carlisle focuses on methods of instruction (i.e. too much written work), attendance, industrial department trades, outings of trade students, agriculture, domestic departments (cooking, sewing, laundering, home training and nursing), religious organizations…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Inspection Report on School Buildings, 1916
February 7 - March 13, 1916

Supervisor of Schools H. B. Peairs writes an Inspection Report of the Carlisle Indian School. He calls attention to the most important needs of the school, which he deems to be the fire escapes, small boys building annex, lockers, hospital porches, and establishing quarters for married employees. 

Assistant Commissioner of Indian…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Possible Closure, Relocation, or Redesign of the Carlisle Indian School
February 8, 1916 - March 4, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding a possible lapse in federal appropriations for the Carlisle Indian School. School Supervisor Oscar Hiram Lipps suggests to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Indian School could be closed, relocated to Fort Harrison in Montana, or turned into an aviation or manufacturing…

National Archives and Records Administration
Domestic Science Course and the Outing System
February 19, 1916 - March 4, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding concerns William Paul, a former student, had that a new domestic science course would replace the outing system.

National Archives and Records Administration
Four Male Students Sent to Summer Camp to be Waiters and Play Baseball
May 2 - July 21, 1916

Rabbi Abraham S. Anspacher, who conducts Kamp Kewamee in Lackawanna County in Pennsylvania, requests to employ four Carlisle Indian School students at the camp to be waiters and play baseball at the camp. Treasury Department Collector of Customs Dudley Field Malone vouches for Anspacher. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt…

National Archives and Records Administration
Blueprints of Two School Farms and Inventory of School's Livestock
May 5, 1916 - May 20, 1916

Carlisle Indian School Agriculture Teacher Leo Marks forwards maps or blueprints of both school farms and provides an inventory of the school's livestock. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells thanks Marks' for his maps, inventory, and his farming knowledge. 

Blueprints/Architectural Drawings, Letters/Correspondence, Maps
National Archives and Records Administration
Cooperation with Military Training Camp
May 15, 1916

Cover letter from Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells regarding a circular and announcement advertising a military training camp for boys in New York to Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps.

Based on related correspondence this is the Fort Terry Training Camp. 

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment for Hebert S. Burgevin
August 1 - September 21, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to by Congressman Charles D. Carter to enroll Herbert S. Burgevin in the Carlisle Indian School. Burgevin was permitted to enroll under the condition that his traveling expenses and tuition be paid.

National Archives and Records Administration
Bureau Policies for Vocational Course in Nursing
September 9, 1916 - January 22, 1918

This document contains correspondence about new policies encouraging vocational nursing training for female students in Indian schools. Included is an extensive pamphlet from the professional nursing training program at Fort Dearborn Hospital, Circular letters ordering the transfer of all students interested in nursing training to the Carlisle…

Letters/Correspondence, Photographs
National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment of Pablo Molino
September 22 - October 4, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment of Pablo Molino in Carlisle for additional training as a printer.

Note: Molino is referred to as Pablo Moreno and Pablo Moleno in these materials.


National Archives and Records Administration
Outing System and Department Labor Income
October 19, 1916 - November 3, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding the income students made in the fiscal year 1915-1916 on the outing system, and the distinction between outing program income and income made through the industrial departments.

National Archives and Records Administration
Holiday Greetings in 1916
December 21 - 26, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding holiday greetings between a group students to Cato Sells along with Sells reply.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Enroll Mexican Students
December 31, 1916 - January 10, 1917

These materials include correspondence regarding the education of Mexican students at the Carlisle Indian School. Commissioner Sells' responds that Carlisle is not academically advanced but meant to train students in industrial arts. Further authority from Congress would have to made to have students from Mexico attend Carlisle. Also includes…

Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration
Inquiry of Potential Enrollment of Students from Guam
January 2, 1917

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from the Naval Government of Guam to send students to the United States for higher education. The Carlisle Indian School was suggested as the institution for these students.

National Archives and Records Administration
Health Reports of Walter Winsborough
January 8 - March 6, 1917

These materials include correspondence regarding reports on the health of Walter Winsborough to his mother Mary Wells. Additionally, a request from Winsborough's parents was sent through Senator Harry Lane to return him to his home.

National Archives and Records Administration
Materials About Sarah Boyd Assault Incident
January 25 - February 10, 1917

This material includes an inquiry into the alleged physical assault of Sarah Boyd by matron Matilda G. Ewing. Boyd claimed that she was pushed down a flight of stairs by Ewing, resulting in a back injury. The materials include an interview transcript with Boyd, letters from witnesses, and Boyd's recanting of her accusation.

Note: The…

Interviews and Oral Histories, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment for Elsie Krejberg
February 26 - March 31, 1917

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Mrs. A. J. Krejberg to have Elsie Krejberg, her step-daughter, enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Application for Assistant Football Coach
March 1-28, 1917

Former student Elmer E. Busch applies to be the assistant football coach at Carlisle. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt forwards Busch's application to Carlisle. Carlisle Superintendent O. H. Lipps denies Busch's application, stating that Busch is a former student and was captain of the football team in 1915 until being "…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Suggested Use of Carlisle Indian School as Military Post
March 23, 1917 - April 18, 1917

These materials include correspondence regarding a suggestion by local Carlisle resident Irvin Mahon that the Carlisle Indian School be returned to use as a regular military post during the First World War. This suggestion is rejected by Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Clarification Regarding Student Enlistment
April 4 - 7, 1917

These materials include correspondence regarding a request for clarification from Superintendent John Francis Jr. on how to handle students wishing to enlist in the United States Army and Navy in response from hearing from a Naval recruiting officer. Francis was informed that he should not oppose any eligible student from enlisting and those…

National Archives and Records Administration
Letter About The Feast Of The Red Corn
April 10, 1917

This material includes a letter of appreciation for the performance of two students at the Feast of the Red Corn.

National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment and Return of Cora James
April 12 - June 25, 1917

These materials contain correspondence regarding the enrollment and return of Cora James, a member of the Choctaw Nation.

National Archives and Records Administration
Participation of Carlisle Indian School Band in Patriotic Parade
April 17-18, 1917

These materials include a request to have the Carlisle Indian School Band play in a patriotic parade of State House employees in Harrisburg.

National Archives and Records Administration