Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 450 army regulation uniform caps at a cost not to exceed $292.50 for students.
Request to Spend Funds
Currently being used to cover any requests for money, requests for authorization to spend money, vouchers being submitted, and requests for reimbursement. Essentially any time money is being requested for a specific purpose. Correspondence related to annual funding should be tagged with the Topic tag "Financial Affairs - School Budget."

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 125 dozen boys and men's linen collars for $100 for the use of students at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to expand the accommodations for teachers and employees at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 75 single desks as well as 35 rear seats for a total cost of $348.75 to furnish the new school building.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various furniture to replace old furniture in the teachers' quarters as well as hospital furniture and a new feed mill for the school farm.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay expenses incurred due to the illnesses of students on the outing program as well as a funeral of a student on the outing program.

Alfred John Standing forwards account of E. H. Doan for the medical treatment of Fred Harris while Harris was on outing. Standing notes that Harris was brought back to Carlisle as soon as he was able to travel.

Richard Henry Pratt requests additional funding in order to pay postage for sending letters from students as well as their report cards to their parents. Pratt notes that Agents and Postmasters have in some cases not delivered the letters when sent under frank.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 33 books for a staff reference library.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards an account of expenses related to Alfred John Standing in attending to the funeral of John W. Pipe who died while on outing. Also included in the report are expenses related to Pipe's sickness, death, and burial.

Richard Henry Pratt returns voucher of Alfred John Standing for $145.95 covering expenses incurred from the sickness and burial of John W. Pipe while on outing.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards sends plans and specifications for adding on to the girls dormitory due to only receiving half of the appropriation for the building. Pratt also discusses the need for the new building in order to eliminate crowding. Included are seven enclosures including blueprints for the building, plan for the water closets, and…

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to build a new blacksmith and wagon shop at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt submits specifications, estimate of supplies and labor, and blueprints.

Richard Henry Pratt cites the epidemic of measles and following pneumonia that caused the hospital to become overcrowded. Included in the correspondence is plans to add an additional wing to the present hospital for $1,000 in material and labor.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay for freight shipment of articles manufactured at the Carlisle Indian School and shipped to various Indian Agencies. In addition, Pratt requests authority to pay for freight shipment on articles shipped by the department for the school.

Richard Henry Pratt requests $400 for expenses incurred during the current fiscal year in traveling to visit pupils on the outing program.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards account of J. R. Wood, general passenger agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for tickets furnished to escorts and pupils during the previous fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase needed supplies on the open market due to being out of various contract goods that are not being replaced quickly enough.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay half the cost of restoring the arch and rebuilding the walls of the collapsed barn on the Parker Farm.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards expense voucher of William P. Campbell regarding traveling and incidental expenses incurred in the pursuit of Ralph Naltuey.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authorization to buy books listed in letter to be used to train students in nursing as well as for the use of the school hospital.

Richard Henry Pratt notes that C. R. Dixon, School Physician, recommends that pupils have a liberal supply of fruit available. With the delay in dried fruit, Pratt requests authority to purchase 110 bushels of apples.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards expense voucher of W. P. Campbell incurred in the return of three runaway students.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards vouchers covering the expense of Alfred John Standing incurred in the return of two runaway students to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $5,000 during the current fiscal year for necessary travel and incidental expenses of bringing students to the school and returning them to their homes.