Captain Richard H. Pratt requests to spend $122.84 on the purchase of wire screens to protect windows in the academic building and boys' quarters.
Request to Spend Funds
Currently being used to cover any requests for money, requests for authorization to spend money, vouchers being submitted, and requests for reimbursement. Essentially any time money is being requested for a specific purpose. Correspondence related to annual funding should be tagged with the Topic tag "Financial Affairs - School Budget."

Request by Richard Henry Pratt to spend an additional $2000 on the transportation of students to and from the school.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase a No. 3 "Eclipse" Press for the printing office. Pratt notes that previously all of the equipment for the office was purchased by the charity fund of the school.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he is short in his authority covering expenses of visiting students on farms. As a result he requests authority to spend an additional $50.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $150 to rent a telephone.

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests to spend $203.00 on the purchase of hardwood for the bakery, coal oil for lighting buildings, and postage stamps for students.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Indian School needs to make a change in their drainage. Pratt proposes to dig a cesspool and purchase terra cotta pipe.

Richard Henry Pratt requests from Daniel M. Browning the authority to spend additional money in returning students and special authority in recruiting students. He includes a suggested document to meet his requirements.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay $600 to rent the Hocker Farm for the fiscal year 1895.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay $400 for the rent of the Henderson Tract during fiscal year 1895.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter by providing the number of Gospel Hymns currently at the Carlisle Indian School and indicating the need to purchase new hymnals.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to expend the money received by the Carlisle Indian School due to the transfer of cows affected with tuberculosis to purchase new cows.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to spend $4,000 to return students home during the current fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $5,000 in the transportation of students to and from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay $600 for the rent of the Hocker Farm during fiscal year 1896.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay $400 for the rent of the Henderson Tract during fiscal year 1896.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $3,500 to visit pupils on outings for the 1896 fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay for the board, transport, and supplies of treating various students at the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests to spend $290 on the purchase of field and garden seeds, postage stamps for students, and small boys' shoes.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $2,500 on transportation of students to and from the Carlisle Indian School for the remainder of the 1896 fiscal year.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay for the treatment of Mary Couture while on outing.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay for expenses incurred in the treatment of Peter Howe while Howe was on outing.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to pay $400 for the rent of the Henderson Tract during fiscal year 1897.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to spend money for Carlisle employees to visit students on outings.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to spend $7000 during the current fiscal year in transporting students to and from Carlisle.