Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the third quarter of fiscal year 1891 amounting to $462.90 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Supplies – Requests and Fulfillment
Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1891 amounting to $497.95 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Richard Henry Pratt forwards a requisition for stationery for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 1892.
Richard Henry Pratt transmits freight bills for brooms received from the Genoa School and letters from L. C. Slavens relative to the brooms and asks for instructions.
Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the first quarter of fiscal year 1892 amounting to $496.05 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase needed supplies on the open market due to being out of various contract goods that are not being replaced quickly enough.
Richard Henry Pratt requests authority he asked for in his previous telegram of two days prior to purchase needed supplies on the open market due to being out of various contract goods that are not being replaced quickly enough.
Richard Henry Pratt notes that he left off his estimate wool hats in order to buy them on the open market. Pratt indicates that the wool hats purchased by the Department are too inferior for the School's uses. He asks authority to purchase 50 dozen soft wool hats at a cost not to exceed $9 per dozen.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that there are differences between the quantities of school books requested and what was received. Pratt states that he hopes the differences were not denied or cut without his consultation.
Richard Henry Pratt provides a report responding to questions from the Office of Indian Affairs on the needs of the Carlisle Indian School. Included are discussions on the need for more land, additional educational needs, and industrial training including the limitations of the industrial instruction received at Carlisle.
Pratt also…
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the third quarter of fiscal year 1892 amounting to $339.60 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Charles H. Thompson forwards an inspection report of the Carlisle Indian School on March 2, 1892. Thompson's report examines a wide range of topics related to the school including the buildings, health of students, food, student's social lives, industrial training, outings, and academic training.
Thompson also includes a number of…
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests 100 blank payroll of irregular employees forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Estimate of funds for the fourth quarter of 1892 amounting to $11,998.25 for treaty fund. Richard H. Pratt also sends an Estimate of Supplies amounting to $449.40. An explanatory cover letter is included.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the first quarter of fiscal year 1893 amounting to $464.00 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the second quarter of fiscal year 1893 amounting to $475.28 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of report of changes in employees blank forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of payroll of irregular employees blank forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the third quarter of fiscal year 1893 amounting to $455.51 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.