The first page opened with a poem selected “by Mrs. Pettinos,” titled “The Sun and the Wind,” followed by a conversation about the meaning of the 4th of July and how an Indian School student might be influenced to extend his time at the school instead of returning to the reservation. Page two included letters from Frank Lock (Sioux) on outing,…
Student Uniforms and Clothing

List of supplies requested by Richard Henry Pratt for the school he is preparing to establish at Carlisle Barracks. Requested supplies include clothing, fabric, sewing supplies, tableware, cooking supplies, and firefighting equipment.
Pratt refers to this request list in a letter sent to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs the following…

Jonathan Cornman requests to manufacture and repair shoes for Indian women and children that are rumored to be quartering at the Carlisle Barracks in the fall.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received…

Acting Secretary of the Interior A. Bell grants authority to purchase a list of articles and supplies, including bedding and clothing, amounting to $2,000, on the open market rather than through regular government contractors. This action was taken because, as the letter notes, the students needing the supplies are already currently on their…

Letter from Richard Henry Pratt to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, acknowledging receipt of change orders allowing Pratt to remain in the East at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt also apologizes for troubles during his recent trip to Wichita, and suggests that better planning be made for subsequent recruitment trips. Student…

Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz grants Richard Henry Pratt authority to purchase a list of supplies amounting to $1,998.25 on the open market. The list of supplies mostly includes bedding, furniture, and kitchen supplies.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the…

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt requesting authority to purchase personal supplies for students, including clothing and toiletries for both males and females.

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, requesting permission to spend $1000 on cold weather clothing for students. Pratt notes that supplies requested two months previous had not yet arrived, and that cold weather had set in at Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt regarding the quality of clothing provided to Carlisle Indian School students. Pratt complains that the partial order of clothing he received from the Bureau is not durable or warm enough, and leaves students uncomfortable and discontent. Pratt requests that he be provided…

Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz authorizes Richard Henry Pratt to visit New York City and spend $2,000 to purchase a cooking range, clothing, furniture, and supplies.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "…

Richard H. Pratt provides updates on the progress he's made since Sunday. Most notably, Pratt has organized the male students into companies, and they now occupy eight rooms instead of five, the bedding has arrived, and they've started building the foundation for the chapel and assembly room.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National…

Richard Henry Pratt provides Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt with a variety of updates about the Carlisle Indian School: everyone is in good health, he will send Hayt a uniform sample in a few days, his corps of assistants is almost complete, he's found a clerk, he'd like to keep a former Carlisle Barracks employee on the staff for…

Richard Henry Pratt informs Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. J. Brooks that the cost of manufacturing uniform suits ranges from $5.50 to $8.00, with the addition of corporal and sergeant striping increasing the cost to over $8.00.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed…

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, responding to a forwarded letter from Major Pollock of the Rosebud Agency. Pratt argues against screening students' letters home, suggesting that it would harm the government's relationship with their parents and chiefs. Pratt also addresses students' written complaints…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt a copy of the first issue of Eadle Keatah Toh, the first newspaper published at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that more donations will soon fund the purchase of a better printing press, and discusses other topics including new student uniforms and the…

Richard Henry Pratt requests Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. E. Trowbridge's authority to spend $250 to purchase and manufacture clothing for the current quarter.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters…

Richard Henry Pratt requests to spend $1,000 on material for clothing and its manufacture for students.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80."

Richard Henry Pratt calls attention to his request for $1,000 to purchase supplies to manufacture clothing.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80."

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that his students are very hard on their clothes and that many of them have outgrown their clothing from a year ago. He requests to spend $2,000 on materials needed to manufacture new uniforms for his current students as well as new students from the Navajo and Pueblo Nations.
Richard Henry Pratt seeks to increase the clothing budget of the Carlisle School by $500 due to additional students arriving in the current quarter.

Richard Henry Pratt details his disappointment the fulfillment he made of a request for boots from the Department of the Interior. Pratt notes that he expected a variety of sizes but was instead only provided with one size. As a result he specifically requests various sizes for the following year.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has on hand a larger number of boy's sizes of hose than he can use. As a result he requests he be provided with 20 dozen of boy's size 8 and 140 dozen of men's size 9, 10, and 11. In addition, he requests his estimate for coffee be reduced to 2,500 pounds and no tea.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various food supplies along with scarlet braid and cord. Pratt encloses form used to advertise the contracts.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 450 army regulation uniform caps at a cost not to exceed $292.50 for students.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 125 dozen boys and men's linen collars for $100 for the use of students at the Carlisle Indian School.