The first page opened with a poem titled “For the Boys,” followed by a description of “Loafing” observed by the Man-on-the-band-stand among the boys on campus. There was also a feature, “200,000,000" that tallied up the time it would take to become as rich as Mr. Vanderbilt. Page two reported severe weather in Michigan, a request for a lost…
Students Running Away

An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1886, containing the Seventh Annual Report of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. The report, submitted by Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt, includes a school population table as well as discussions of…

Richard Henry Pratt submits a voucher for travel expenses of a Carlisle Indian School employee in attempting to recover Henry Keoke. Pratt also provides a history of how Keoke came to the school.

Richard Henry Pratt submits a travel voucher for the return of Henry Keoke who was resting in Saxton, Pennsylvania when caught by a Carlisle Indian School employee.

Richard Henry Pratt submits a voucher for travel expenses incurred while returning Dana Long Wolf and Charles Redmore. Pratt includes the context of what led Redmore and Long Wolf to run away from the school and the discipline meted out to Redmore. He ends by proposing the government develop a reformatory where students can be sent to prevent…

Richard Henry Pratt submits a voucher to the Office of Indian Affairs for expenses related to arresting and returning James Carihoe and Louis Eagle Dog, who had run away from the Carlisle Indian School and were apprehended at Gallitzin, Pennsylvania.

Voucher to cover expenses in the return of Eustace Pelone, Calvin Red Wolf, and William Summers, who were located and detained in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.

Richard Henry Pratt submits voucher for the recovery of Percy Zadoka, who had been on outing in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards account covering the expense of returning Henry Standing Bear and requests approval.

Richard Henry Pratt submits a voucher from Fisk Goodyear resulting from expenses incurred from the capture and return of two runaway students.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the request of Joseph Scanadore for the return of his son Jemison Scanadore. Pratt provides Jemison's history at the Carlisle Indian School since his transfer from Martinsburg and ends by noting that he ran away from the school on February 25, 1891 and is likely already back…

Joseph Schanandore requests the Office of Indian Affairs instruct Richard Henry Pratt to remit him the remaining money held in his son Jemison's account at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding a request to return Henry Keoke to his home. Pratt provides Keoke's history at the Carlisle Indian School as well as his last letter to Keoke informing him that as he decided to go out on outing he needs to complete his outing before being sent home.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards expense voucher of William P. Campbell regarding traveling and incidental expenses incurred in the pursuit of Ralph Naltuey.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding an inquiry from James R. O'Beirne about a Caddo student who had run away from his farming outing. Pratt states that he sent William P. Campbell after the student to New York and he is now back at Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report responding to questions from the Office of Indian Affairs on the needs of the Carlisle Indian School. Included are discussions on the need for more land, additional educational needs, and industrial training including the limitations of the industrial instruction received at Carlisle.
Pratt also…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request to be returned home by Festus Pelone. Pratt includes a copy of Pelone's disciplinary record while at Carlisle and notes that his punishment of being on "no pay" is deserved. Because of the pattern of bad behavior, Pratt is willing to send Pelone home but…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards expense voucher of W. P. Campbell incurred in the return of three runaway students.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards vouchers covering the expense of Alfred John Standing incurred in the return of two runaway students to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request from J. C. Williamson regarding his son who had run away from his outing home on August 3, 1892. Pratt provides some background on Curtis and the fact that he had expressed no discontent towards his outing experience. He further indicates that he is directing his outing agent to visit New York City to…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards and requests approval for voucher for the travel and expenses incurred in the capture and return of two runaway pupils.

Paul Martin requests assistance from Thomas J. Morgan in locating his son, James Martin, who had runaway from the Carlisle Indian School. Martin encloses a letter from Richard Henry Pratt detailing the circumstances before James left Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to the request for the return of William and Sarah Archiquette by their parents. Pratt notes that every year after their required enrollment had ended the students were offered the opportunity to return home and they choose to stay at Carlisle. He ends his letter by discussing his discontent with the continued…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request for the return of Abner Patterson from his parents Martha and David. Pratt notes that Abner is an extremely healthy student who would benefit from remaining at Carlisle for the agreed upon period.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay expenses incurred in the return of two runaway pupils located near Winchester, Virginia.