The first page opened with an untitled poem about kindness, followed by "Part of Our Hospital Work," a reprint of a composition by Nancy Cornelius (Oneida) who detailed her experiences as a hospital assistant. She wrote about the breakfast routine and the Apache mothers caring for their babies at the hospital. There was also an article…
Student Nursing Training

The first page opened with a poem “The Two Words,” followed by Lucy Jordan’s letter to the Man-On-The-Band-Stand titled “Carlisle A Bright Picture” in which she mused about her days’ past at Carlisle and life at home on the Stockbridge Reservation. Next came “A Budget of News from Eliza Bell” (Creek) with word from the Nuyaka Mission, Indian…

The first page opened with a poem by Bayard Taylor with the first line "Learn to live, and live to learn” followed by the fourth installment of the series titled “How An Indian Girl Might Tell Her Own Story if She Had the Chance: All Founded on Actual Observations of the Man-on-the-band-stand’s Chief Clerk” (continued from the previous week).…

Collage of six photographs.
This picture represents former Carlisle pupils who, having received preliminary training in the School hospital, and having completed heir training in Philadelphia, New Haven and Hartford nurse schools, are now profitably…

Studio portrait of an unidentified female student wearing a nurse's uniform.
![Surgical Nurse Training in School Hospital [pose 1], c. 1908 Surgical Nurse Training in School Hospital [pose 1], c. 1908](/sites/default/files/styles/views_taxonomy/public/image-photo/00314A%2301.jpg?itok=Tjsd-G2a)
A white male doctor, a white female nurse, two female and one male student nurses are posed in an operating room with a male student patient.
![Surgical Nurse Training in School Hospital [pose 2], c. 1908 Surgical Nurse Training in School Hospital [pose 2], c. 1908](/sites/default/files/styles/views_taxonomy/public/image-photo/00314A%2328.jpg?itok=PTcWVcYu)
A white male doctor, a white female nurse, two female and one male student nurses are posed in an operating room with a male student patient.
![Surgical Nurse Training in School Hospital [pose 3], c. 1908 Surgical Nurse Training in School Hospital [pose 3], c. 1908](/sites/default/files/styles/views_taxonomy/public/image-photo/00314A%2329.jpg?itok=Zn_TRyJP)
A white male doctor, a white female nurse, two female and one male student nurses are posed in an operating room with a male student patient.

A white female nurse and a female student nurse attend three female student patients in beds in a hospital ward. Another female student, apparently a visitor, sits in a chair beside of the beds.

Three female student nurses attend a male student patient in a ward in the school hospital.

Posed group of a doctor, staff nurse, and student nurses demonstrating how to use ether on a patient. This image was taken in the operating suite of the newer school hospital, construction of which was completed in 1908.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authorization to buy books listed in letter to be used to train students in nursing as well as for the use of the school hospital.

Charles H. Thompson forwards an inspection report of the Carlisle Indian School on March 2, 1892. Thompson's report examines a wide range of topics related to the school including the buildings, health of students, food, student's social lives, industrial training, outings, and academic training.
Thompson also includes a number of…

Richard Henry Pratt provides a recommendation for Josiah George and Elizabeth Wind for positions in the Indian Service.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann of his recommendation to T. W. Potter, Superintendent of the Chemawa School, of former students Josiah George and Elizabeth Wind for a position of band leader and industrial teacher and nurse. He had also mentioned them as candidates to the superintendent of the Albuquerque School.

Richard H. Pratt forwards M. S. Barr's request to attend summer school in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as 30 days of leave. Barr works as a nurse.

Edgar A. Allen responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding placing Marion Lambert in a position in the Indian Service. Allen notes that Lambert should remain at the Bellevue Hospital to continue training as a nurse and instead recommends Ida Wheelock.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Hospital Cook Sara Pierre's request for a 30-day leave of absence to attend nursing school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Sara Pierre be granted an additional 21-day leave of absence to attend nursing school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pierre works as a hospital cook.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a recommendation and information for Seichu Atsye for an appointment as a nurse in the Indian Service.

William A. Mercer forwards two letters along with his own thoughts on the need for a new hospital at the Carlisle Indian School.

Sara Pierre resigns her position as hospital cook at in order to continue her nursing studies at the Lawrence General Hospital. William D. Leonard forwards the resignation and notes that Pierre recommended Carlisle student Louisa French for the position. Leonard notes that if French is not sent that the position be filled with a young unmarried…

William A. Mercer nominates Marie McCloud to fill the hospital cook position temporarily until she returns to her home in Alaska.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs communication regarding the potential appointment of Marguerite Fremont (here Margaret Fremont) to the position of assistant seamstress at the Rainy Mountain School. Mercer instead recommends Theresa Connor who desires the position without an examination.
C. F. Larrabee responds…

This material includes correspondence regarding a request from a hospital manager at the German Hospital in Brooklyn, New York for a student at Carlisle for a job as a maid and waitress in his home. Also included is a letter regarding the satisfaction of the German Hospital at the progress of Carlisle students as nurses in training.