Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, requesting permission to purchase the listed supplies for the school. Some of the supplies had already been purchased for immediate use. The request includes construction materials, repairs to buildings and the ambulance, books, scientific and medical supplies, industrial…
Academic Supplies

Richard Henry Pratt requests permission from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to immediately purchase school supplies on the open market. Pratt notes that these supplies were not provided when requested from the Department, and that a recent increase in pupils necessitates their purchase.
Explanation of Difference between Annual Estimate of School Supplies and Requisitions for Stationary

Captain Richard H. Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the Annual Estimate of School Supplies covers regular school room work only, whereas the Requisition for Stationary covers stationery for office. He needs both.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to employ a singing teacher as well as purchasing 400 song books.

Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his request to employ Professor Brown of Pittsburg as a music teacher and purchase song books.

Richard Henry Pratt follows up his request to purchase Yaggys Geographical Study. Pratt notes that he has the means to purchase the Study for $65.

Richard Henry Pratt makes a correction to the amount requested for the purchase of desks and seats for the new school buildings. Pratt notes the cost should have been $358.75 not $348.75.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 33 books for a staff reference library.

Richard Henry Pratt asks to add Riverside Instruction Frame to the list of books and school materials required. Pratt notes that his principal teacher believes the book is adapted for use in the school's primary departments.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that there are differences between the quantities of school books requested and what was received. Pratt states that he hopes the differences were not denied or cut without his consultation.

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests that their annual academic supplies be sent immediately.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter by providing the number of Gospel Hymns currently at the Carlisle Indian School and indicating the need to purchase new hymnals.

Richard H. Pratt forwards duplicate Estimate of School Books and Supplies for the fiscal year ending June 1896 amounting to $250.59. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.
Note that there is a duplicate copy in this document.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority from the Office of Indian Affairs to purchase various school books and supplies in January 1897.

Richard Henry Pratt encloses a copy of a diploma used for Carlisle Indian School graduates and requests if it is practicable for the Government Printing Office.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase three No. 3 Smith Premier type-writers for students looking for clerical positions.

Richard Henry Pratt renews his request for an authority to purchase a Crowell physical apparatus (a device used for physics experiments) following the Office's denial on October 14, 1899. Pratt asks that he be given a reason if his follow-up is also denied.

Richard Henry Pratt asks for an update on authorities he previously asked for including purchasing additional winter coats for girls, dried fruit, and acquiring a Crowell physical apparatus (equipment for school room physics experiments).

Richard Henry Pratt writes W. A. Jones that he hopes Bertha Canfield has been ordered to report to the Carlisle Indian School along with an increased salary. And that he desires the return of the descriptive book of the Crowell apparatus.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to cover the additional cost of the school book, Davis' Nature Studies, over what was previously authorized in the annual estimate a year ago.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various schoolroom supplies on the open market to avoid delays in delivery.

Alfred John Standing renews Richard Henry Pratt's request to purchase schoolroom supplies on the open market to avoid delays for the upcoming academic year.

Alfred John Standing requests authority to spend more money in the purchase of Reed & Kellog's Higher Lessons in English due to higher than anticipated costs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase additional equipment for the sloyd department on account of the transfer of a number of smaller students from the Lincoln Institute.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase supplies for regular school room work and the art room. Pratt also includes an abstract of bids received for these supplies.