Hauke, C. F.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 324 records
Peter Wakejoo Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Peter Wakejoo, a member of the Ottawa Nation, who entered the school on November 19, 1899, and departed on July 10, 1906.  The file contains a student information card, correspondence, financial transactions, a financial document regarding a bond and affidavit of surety, a report after leaving indicating that Wakejoo was…

National Archives and Records Administration
Max Favel Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Max Favel, a member of the Colville Nation, who entered the school on January 8, 1913 and departed on October 20, 1913. The file contains newspaper clippings, trade/position record cards, a student information card, outing records, outing evaluations, financial transactions, applications for enrollment, medical/physical records…

National Archives and Records Administration
photograph of man standing in front of background in white short and brown pants, holding a hat
January 11, 1905 - April 1, 1939, August 5, 1968

This folder contains documents related to Charles E. Dagenett's time in the Indian Service as Supervisor of Indian Employment. Dagenett enrolled at Carlisle in 1887 and graduated in 1891. Though he did work on and off in the Service in the 1891-1905 period, this folder only covers Dagenett's employment from 1905 onwards, (see his Service Record…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
cover of "record and qualifications" document of Milton I. Zeigler
April 13, 1906 - December 10, 1910

This folder contains documents related to Milton Zeigler's employment in the Indian Service. Zeigler served as the school harness maker and harness making instructor at Carlisle from 1900 to August of 1910. 

This folder includes a few efficiency reports, a document with general biographical details, and a correspondence exchange in…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
blue paper with title "Status of Employes, Emma C. Lovewell of Virginia"
May 1, 1906 - February 24, 1923

This folder consists of material compiled about Emma Lovewell by Office of Indian Affairs staff in Washington, DC while she worked in the Indian Service. Lovewell served as a teacher at Carlisle between 1909 and 1914. (She resigned from Carlisle and the Indian Service in general in December of 1914.)

Most of the documents in this folder…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Materials Regarding Athletic Fund Disposition Following Investigation
1908 - August 23, 1918

Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…

Books and Pamphlets, Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding Superintendent Friedman's Transfer to Carlisle
January 16, 1908 - April 3, 1909

These materials include numerous letters regarding Moses Friedman's transfer from the Assistant Superintendence at Haskell Institute to the Superintendence of the Carlisle Indian School. Friedman replaces Major William A. Mercer, who is required to return to his military regiment. As part of his transfer, Friedman's annual salary increases from…

National Archives and Records Administration
Return of Richmond Martin and Discontinuance of Enrollment of Pupils from New York State
May 12, 1908 - May 12, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding the return home of Richmond Martin to New York. The documents also discuss in detail new Bureau of Indian Affairs policies related to the discontinued enrollment of pupils from New York State as well as pupils of a young age.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Biographical Sketch of Chief Quanah Parker
September 3, 1908 - September 19, 1908

These materials include a request by newspaper correspondence James H. Trumons of the Lawton Constitution-State Democrat for information on Chief Quanah Parker of the Comanche Nation. A biographical sketch of Chief Parker, appearing in Carlisle's school newspaper the Arrow, was forwarded to Trumons.

National Archives and Records Administration
photograph of woman labelled "Mollie V. Gaither," woman is light skinned with gray hair, wearing a white blouse and skirt, holding a hat
May 31, 1893, December 21, 1908 - September 6, 1912

This folder contains materials related to Mollie Gaither's time working in the Indian Service. Only the materials relevant to her time as Carlisle's Girl's Field Agent have been included. She was at Carlisle from October of 1904 until September of 1912. 

The first PDF contains Gaither's service record card, a portrait, and paperwork…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence and Reports on Tuberculosis Among Students in 1909
January 1 - March 19, 1909

Correspondence and reports regarding examinations of students for tuberculosis along with the recommendation to return two students to their homes in 1909.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds by William Newashe
February 4- 27, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment and return of funds of William Newashe.

Note: In this file, the student is referred to as William Newashe and William W. Washe.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Student Products for Exhibition in Quito, Ecuador
February 8, 1909 - May 13, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding student-produced artwork and articles sent for an exhibition in Quito, Ecuador. Products from Carlisle were provided for the exhibit; the correspondence discusses what items were provided as well as the production and retail prices for the articles.

National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment of David Redthunder and Scholarship for Isaac Quinn
February 18 - September 2, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding a scholarship at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Isaac Quinn was recommended for this scholarship by Angel DeCora Dietz. Additional correspondence regarding the enrollment of David Redthunder as a pupil at Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Report on the Effectiveness of Open-Air Balcony Treatments on Tuberculosis
March 17, 1909 - June 29, 1910

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $500 from the "Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1910" account for special medical treatment of students, to send students to Philadelphia for treatment, and for medicine and food for the school hospital. Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G . Valentine approves Friedman's…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
blue paper which reads "Status of Employes, August Kensler"
April 23, 1909 - July 7, 1914

This folder includes documents related to August Kensler's employment in the Indian Service. He worked at Carlisle as storekeeper and then quartermaster from December 1, 1892 until May 19, 1914 when he resigned. 

At the beginning of the folder is negotiation of his resignation (Kensler briefly resigned in February of 1914, rescinded…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Dispute over Gardener's Salary
May 11 - July 21, 1909

Carlisle Gardener Reinholt H. Hoffman writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs because he was tasked with working as a temporary agricultural teacher but only received a gardener's salary. Superintendent Moses Friedman argues that Hoffman should not receive a higher salary since he did not actually teach. However, even though Hoffman's work…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home of Renville Children
May 14 - June 29, 1909

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Sampson H. Renville to have his two daughters, Germaine and Fleeta, returned to their home in Peever, South Dakota from the Carlisle Indian School. Renville's request was granted after determining the children had access to public schools.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Clarence De Graff
May 24 - June 22, 1909

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Clarence De Graff to end his enrollment at Carlisle early and return home.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home from Louis Bear
May 31 - June 14, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Louis Bear to return to his home before his term of enrollment had expired.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home by Taquah Wolfe
June 8 - August 18, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Taquah Wolf to be sent home.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home from Clifford Taylor
June 26 - July 23, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Clifford Taylor to return to his home to assist his father. Taylor's request was granted.

National Archives and Records Administration
Complaint Regarding Band Students
June 27 - July 23, 1909

This document contains correspondence concerning a complaint made by bandmaster James Wheelock that students from the school band were improperly disciplined by being locked in the guard house. The complaint, which made headlines in national newspapers including The Outlook, was investigated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.…

Books and Pamphlets, Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration
photograph pasted on piece of paper, depicts a man in uniform with white gloves and baton
July 5, 1909 - March 26, 1938

This folder contains documents related to James Riley Wheelock's employment and applications for employment in the Indian Service. It covers the second period of his employment at the Sherman Institute, Carlisle Indian School, and Genoa Indian School from 1914-1920. Then it touches on Wheelock's repeated attempts to be reinstated as a band…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Exceptions to Enroll Overage Students
July 23 - September 7, 1909

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Moses Friedman to obtain exceptions to enroll seven students over the age of 21.

National Archives and Records Administration