Industrial Training - Harnessmaking

Displaying 1 - 25 of 27 records
Harness and Collar Order not yet Fulfilled
November 16, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that they have not yet completed the order for collars or harnesses.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of Indian…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return George Walker Home
April 2, 1883

Request to send George Walker home. Walker had remained at the Carlisle Indian School after this term of enrollment was up at the behest of the Sisseton Indian agent to further learn the harness making trade prior to taking over the agency shop. Pratt recommends returning Walker to his home when the agent is visiting Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Three Students
July 5, 1884

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return three students whose terms have expired. Two of the students, Lena Carr and Harry Marmon, stayed behind because of instructions from Dr. Sheldon Jackson but whose parents have since been requested they return. Pratt has also kept Kise Williams to manage the Harness Shop until he can find a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Dispute Over Lack of Payment for Training a Student in Harness Making
February 11, 1885 - February 18, 1885

Frank Ensminger writes the Bureau of Indian Affairs regarding a civil dispute between him and Richard Henry Pratt over payment for training George Walker in harness making. Pratt claims that he was only to pay Ensminger if Walker was not a good worker and he never heard a complaint from him and so therefore refused to pay.

Pratt also…

National Archives and Records Administration
Status of Tom Torlino
January 4, 1886

Richard Henry Pratt replies to a letter from the Bureau of Indian Affairs regarding Tom Torlino. Pratt notes that he has had the school physician examine Torlino and that he is doing well physically and in his trade of harness making. He notes the only irregularity is that Torlino is older than he made himself out to be when examined for…

National Archives and Records Administration
Requests by Eli Sheridan and Theodore McCauley to Return Home
April 6-20, 1886

Requests by Eli Sheridan and Theodore McCauley to go home in order to aid their fathers. Richard Henry Pratt in returning the requests to the Bureau of Indian Affairs recommends denying the requests on grounds that he had recently lectured both students and believed the requests to have resulted from these lectures.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return De Bett Cheyenne Chief and Kise Williams
April 15-18, 1886

Richard Henry Pratt recommends that De Bett Cheyenne Chief, who the school planned to send home due to illness, be send home sooner in response to a request from the agency. Due to Cheyenne Chief's health Pratt recommends sending Kise Williams, whose time at the school has expired, with him while also noting that Williams is the best harness…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Recommendation on Filling Harness Shop at Fort Stevenson School
February 22, 1887 - March 26, 1887

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from George W. Scott, Superintendent of the Fort Stevenson, who had requested Pratt recommend a student to oversee the newly created harness shop at the Fort Stevenson School. Pratt responds that he does not believe that the Carlisle Indian School provides sufficient training to allow for students to…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests Harness Sample be Repacked
May 14, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt requests that sample harness be repacked in the trunk and set aside until his next visit to Washington D.C. which would allow him to return it to Carlisle without cost.

National Archives and Records Administration
Estimate for Furnishing the Department with Harness Straps
September 17, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Indian School can furnish 100 harness straps with snaps at $.85 each.

National Archives and Records Administration
Sample of Harness Leather
February 21, 1898

W. J. McConnell, Indian Inspector, encloses sample of harness leather that he describes as worthless and encourages the Secretary of the Interior to come to Carlisle for the commencement in order to meet with Richard Henry Pratt.

Artifacts and Objects, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Forwards Expenses Related to Inspection Trip of George Kemp
September 2, 1898 - October 1, 1898

Richard Henry Pratt forwards expenses related to George Kemp, harnessmaker, trip to Chicago to inspect leather meant for the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Preference for Oak Tanned Leather for Harness
September 15, 1898

Major Richard H. Pratt sends the Commissioner of Indian Affairs samples of hemlock leather and oak leather. Pratt argues that the hemlock is much weaker and not suitable for making harnesses, so he requests that, if possible, the Commissioner send him oak leather instead.

National Archives and Records Administration
List of Supplies Needed for Harness and Shoe Shops
October 18, 1898

Richard Henry Pratt forwards list of supplies needed for the shoe shop and harness shop at the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Manufacture of Harness and Spring Wagons at Carlisle
November 18, 1898 - November 21, 1898

Thomas Ryan, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, forwards a letter of Richard Henry Pratt regarding the manufacture of spring wagons and harness at the Carlisle Indian School to the Office of Indian Affairs.

National Archives and Records Administration
Work Diary - Harness Shop of the Carlisle Indian Industrial School
August 9, 1900 - June 30, 1910

Work diary of Milton I. Zeigler, harness maker and instructor, at the Carlisle Indian School. Zeigler notes that he took over the harness shop on August 9, 1900 and details daily information related to the shop.

Cumberland County Historical Society
Quotes on Industrial Products Produced at Carlisle for the Indian Service
September 4, 1901

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs by providing quotes and photographs of the different styles of vehicles and harness produced at the Carlisle Indian School.

Letters/Correspondence, Photographs
National Archives and Records Administration
Milton Zeigler Provides Suggestions for Securing Leather Samples
November 7, 1905

J. R. Wise forwards Milton I. Zeigler's suggestions for the improvement of purchasing harness, leather, shoe findings, saddlery, etc. Zeigler also discusses various tools that are not replaced very often due to their durability. The majority of the suggestions are included on the Schedule for securing goods.

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Report of Zeigler Regarding Request of Fort Shaw School for Shoe and Harness Materials
December 15-16, 1905

J. R. Wise forwards the comments of Milton I. Zeigler regarding the shoe and harness materials requested by the Superintendent of the Fort Shaw Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
cover of "record and qualifications" document of Milton I. Zeigler
April 13, 1906 - December 10, 1910

This folder contains documents related to Milton Zeigler's employment in the Indian Service. Zeigler served as the school harness maker and harness making instructor at Carlisle from 1900 to August of 1910. 

This folder includes a few efficiency reports, a document with general biographical details, and a correspondence exchange in…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Milton Zeigler to Travel to Chicago to Inspect Leather Samples in 1906
April 23, 1906

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding have Milton I. Zeigler travel to Chicago to inspect samples of leather.

National Archives and Records Administration
Response to Request for Zeigler to Look Over Requested Tools
October 23, 1906

J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Service letter regarding the request to have Milton I. Zeigler look over a list of tools and materials requested by the Fort Shaw School Superintendent.

National Archives and Records Administration
Zeigler's Report on the Tools and Supplies for the Fort Shaw School
November 9, 1906

Milton I. Zeigler provides a report to the Office of Indian Affairs on the list of shoe and harness tools and supplies requested for the Fort Shaw School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Appeals Decision of Auditor Relative to Proceeds of Harness Sale
December 12, 1906 - January 15, 1907

William A. Mercer appeals through the Office of Indian Affairs the decision of the Auditor of the Interior Department not to credit the Carlisle Indian School with the proceeds of harness sold to the Blackfeet Agency in the following fiscal year.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Responds to Request for Zeigler to Inspect Leather Samples in 1907
April 6, 1907

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of the Office to have Milton I. Zeigler to inspect leather and harness samples in Chicago. Mercer states that with outings set to begin shortly and Zeigler can leave without serious interference. However, the fall presents more issues with students beginning…

National Archives and Records Administration