Requests from Families to Send Students Home

Displaying 1 - 25 of 281 records
List of Sioux Students to be Returned
June 15, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list to the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affair of the students to be returned home at the request of Sioux chiefs. Assistant matron Zoe McKenzie will accompany them, particularly to care for Thomas.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the…

National Archives and Records Administration
White Thunder's Desire to Marry his Sister-In-Law, a Student at the School
June 21, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs that White Thunder would like his sister-in-law as his second wife, but she is not interested. She is currently a student at the Carlisle Indian School, but there are reports of her mother dying. Before she leaves the school to be with her mother, she'd like to know if she…

National Archives and Records Administration
Chief Spotted Tail's Request to Return his Children and Relatives Home
June 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. J. Brooks that Chief Spotted Tail would like to return his children, one grandchild, and one other relative currently enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School to their homes at his own expense. Pratt believes he should be able to return his children home but not his grandchild…

National Archives and Records Administration
Return of John and Nancy Renville
August 18, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Sisseton Sioux Chief Gabriel Renville has arrived at the Carlisle Indian School to return the body of his son, John, who died of typhus, home to be buried. Pratt is granting Renville's request to bring his daughter Nancy home with the plan of her returning to the school with…

National Archives and Records Administration
Return Home of High Bear Jr.
January 1, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt reports that the visit of Ponca Chiefs Harry Bear, Standing Eagle, and White Buffalo went well. He also notes that Chief Harry Bear asked that his son be returned home due to his falling ill multiple times at Carlisle. Pratt notes that he approved the return home of the student despite his condition improving following…

National Archives and Records Administration
Permission to Return Two Sioux Students Home
January 29, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt recommends returning two students from the Sioux Nation. The first is Lawrence due to ill health and the second is Philip Good Voice due to a request from his father and his current home sickness which may lead to poor health in the future.

National Archives and Records Administration
Clarification Sought on Sending Children Home Early
February 15, 1881 - March 2, 1881

W. J. Cleveland writes to Richard Henry Pratt seeking clarification on the government's policy in regards to sending children home prior to their term of enrollment ending. Cleveland writes that since Spotted Tail was given permission to pay the expenses in returning his children home others have inquired if they are also able to do so. Pratt…

National Archives and Records Administration
Letters Sent to Pratt from the Rosebud Agency Regarding Return of Children
May 23 - June 8, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs two letters he received from the Rosebud Agency. One concerns the deaths of Rosebud students while at Carlisle and the desire of the Rosebud Sioux Chiefs to educate their children closer to home. The second from Black Crow protesting the actions of Spotted Tail and others who…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sioux Chiefs Protest Deaths of their Children to Interior and Ask for Local School
May 23, 1881

A council of Sioux Chiefs including Spotted Tail, Two Strike, White Thunder, and Swift Bear from the Rosebud Agency writes to the Secretary of the Interior to protest the deaths of their children at Carlisle and asks for a local school in order to educate their children along with teachers. U.S. Indian agent John Cook notes that he is agreement…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Moses Nonway to be Sent Home
May 10, 1882

The father of Moses Nonway requests that his son be returned to his home in order to help him on his farm due to his poor health. Richard Henry Pratt believes that the request should be approved and sent home along with Charles Somains with U.S. Indian Agent E. Stephens.

National Archives and Records Administration
Cook Writes About Rosebud and Visiting His Daughter
December 16, 1882 - January 2, 1883

Cook writes to Richard Henry Pratt regarding Rosebud Agency and asking either for his daughter to be sent home or the funds to come visit her at Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Alfred Brown and Clement Black Deer Home
March 26, 1883

Richard Henry Pratt writes that the father of Alfred Brown requests his son be sent home in order to see him due to his illness. Pratt also notes that Clement Black Deer (also known as Clement Black) is ill and will require some time to recover and may benefit from being sent home as well.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Harriet Elder to Her Home
April 16, 1883

Lewellyn E. Woodin, U.S. Indian Agent for the Ponca, Pawnee, and Otoe Agency, notes that the mother of Harriet Mary Elder (here Harriet May) requests her daughter to be sent home from Carlisle. Woodin writes that the mother is part of a party going from the Oakland Reservation to Idaho and wants her daughter to accompany her.

National Archives and Records Administration
Return of Pueblo Children to Their Home in 1883
June 2, 1883

Richard Henry Pratt notes that while he does not think it in the best of interest of the students he will comply with the wishes of the parents of the Pueblo students and return them to their homes. He believes it should be done as soon as possible in case they want to return for the Fall in order to allow them more time to visit.


National Archives and Records Administration
Status of the Navajo Agency Following the Death of Manuelito Choni
August 13-20, 1883

D. M. Riordan, U.S. Indian Agent for the Navajo Agency, writes to the Richard Henry Pratt on the anger of Manuelito regarding the death of his son. Manuelito asks for all of the Navajo students to be sent back from Carlisle. Riordan states that at a minimum Manuelito's son should be returned.

Pratt also states in his letter to…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Authority to Return Manuelito Chiquito
August 25, 1883

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return Manuelito Chiquito due to his father's requests as well as another student. Pratt notes that Manuelito Chiquito desires to discuss with his father the benefits of Carlisle and then return. Pratt believes that it is unlikely that he will return but requests that he be allowed to return if able.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Onondaga Nation Students
December 1, 1883 - February 7, 1884

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a request for the return of Onondaga children currently enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt provides context to the request for the return of the children and determines that it might be best to return the students at their parents expense.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Three Onondaga Nation Students
February 1884

Petition for the return of James Thomas, Matilda Thomas, and Mary Johnson from the Carlisle Indian School. The petitioners claim that the children were sent to Carlisle under the false pretense that the school was a school for white children that would allow their children to learn English. The petitioners further claim that Richard Henry Pratt…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Onondaga Children Home
March 3, 1884

J. L. Thomas writes regarding a request from the Onondaga Nation to have their children returned from the Carlisle Indian School. Thomas references the Onondaga Chief Daniel La Fort's visit to Washington where he secured a promise to have the children returned home but has had no word since.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Three Students
July 5, 1884

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to return three students whose terms have expired. Two of the students, Lena Carr and Harry Marmon, stayed behind because of instructions from Dr. Sheldon Jackson but whose parents have since been requested they return. Pratt has also kept Kise Williams to manage the Harness Shop until he can find a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Tall Chief Requests the Return of His Daughter Myrtie Tallchief
December 1884 - February 19, 1887

Tall Chief writes to the U.S. Indian Agent James I. David of the Osage Agency requesting his assistance in returning his daughter Myrtie Tallchief from the Carlisle Indian School. David forwarded the letter to the Office of Indian Affairs seeking their advice.

Also included is a school record of Myrtie Tallchief documenting her progress…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return an Additional 20 Students to Their Homes in 1885
January 5, 1885

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority for funds to return to their homes an additional 20 students above the appropriation provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on October 1, 1884. 

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Seeks Information Regarding Return of Nez Perce Students
March 28, 1885

Richard Henry Pratt seeks the opinion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in regards to returning seven Nez Perce students currently at Carlisle. Pratt writes that the Nez Perce are returning to Idaho and they want their children to return with them. Pratt notes that with the convenience of railroads there is no reason why the students cannot…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Request to Return Minnie and Carrie Kennedy
August 11, 1885

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the father of Minnie and Carrie Kennedy has sent money for their return. Pratt writes that be believes it best to return the two students and therefore there will be two less students to transfer to Martinsburg.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request from Sin da ha-ha for Return of His Son
October 16, 1885

Charles H. Potter, U.S. Indian Agent for the Winnebago Agency, forwards a request from Sin da ha-ha to have his son returned from the Carlisle Indian School due to his age and living conditions. John Oberly denies the request.

National Archives and Records Administration