Luke Phillips, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, requests to be sent home along with the Nez Perce students. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the request and notes that he has argued with Phillips to stay but believes it might be best to return him.
Requests From Students to Return Home

Dennison Wheelock requests permission from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to return to his home at the Green Bay Agency. Wheelock cites his cold room and the general ill health of many students at Carlisle. In reply, Obadiah G. Given, the school physician, claims that as a percentage there are no more sick students than at any other time. Richard…

Oneida student Dennison Wheelock writes to John D. C. Atkins, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, about his desire to return home. He says that he would prefer to attend a school for white students there rather than remain at Carlisle.

Requests by Eli Sheridan and Theodore McCauley to go home in order to aid their fathers. Richard Henry Pratt in returning the requests to the Bureau of Indian Affairs recommends denying the requests on grounds that he had recently lectured both students and believed the requests to have resulted from these lectures.

Se he du ba requests the return of his son Thomas Mitchell due to his age and the fact that he has been at the Carlisle Indian School for a year longer than his term of enrollment. Se he du ba also encloses a letter from Mitchell detailing his son's request to be returned home and his experience on outing.

Mauricio Martin requests the return of his son Lorenzo Martinez (here referred to as Lorenzo Martin) for the vacation due to his mother's ill health. Martin states that she does not believe the letters and photographs Lorenzo sends home.
Richard Henry Pratt responds that Martinez is doing well at the Carlisle Indian School and does not…

Raymond B. Stewart requests to be returned to his home from the Carlisle Indian School. Stewart states that he has not had much opportunity at Carlisle and has been at Carlisle long enough that he would like to return home.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the Office of Indian Affairs inquiry regarding Raymond Stewart's request to return home. Pratt notes that Stewart did not want to go home in January and so was placed in the outing program, which he was eventually forced to leave. After being returned to Carlisle he was put on trial and sentenced to remain at…

Peter J. Powlas requests from the Office of Indian Affairs for transportation to his home near Green Bay City, Wisconsin. Powlas writes that his father's age makes him unable to properly maintain the farm.
In forwarding the letter, Richard Henry Pratt, notes that he is unhappy to see Powlas leave Carlisle but under the circumstances…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter providing information on the enrollment status of Raymond B. Stewart and his current education level and refers the office to a letter he had previously written to them regarding Stewart.

Student William Brown writes to the Office of Indian Affairs asking permission to return to his home on the Pine Ridge Agency in the early spring in order to prepare his farm. Brown also notes that he is engaged to another student from Pine Ridge who attended Carlisle and is ready to start supporting his family. Brown ends by requesting if the…

Richard Henry Pratt returns the letter of Wounded Yellow Robe (here Richard G. Robe) who requested from the Office of Indian Affairs to be returned home. Pratt refers to an Office of Indian Affairs letter that indicates students who arrived in the middle of a school year should stay the full school year. Pratt notes that a reply from the Office…

Charles D. Wheelock informs Richard Henry Pratt that his father is retiring as a farmer and has offered him the option to take over his farm. Wheelock notes that to accept would require him to leave Carlisle early. Pratt in forwarding the letter to the Office of Indian Affairs notes that Wheelock's case warrants an exception to having students…

Richard Henry Pratt returns a letter from Thomas A. Metoxen who had requested to be returned home. Pratt also encloses an endorsement from Marianna Burgess disputing his statement. Pratt further states that it has been the policy of Carlisle to only accept students on a five year term and that Metoxen only has one more year left on his…

Justin Shedee requests from the Office of Indian Affairs to return to his home since he has been at Carlisle for six years.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of Justin Shedee to be returned home. Standing states that Shedee had previously indicated a desire to stay at the Carlisle Indian School. As his period of enrollment has expired Shedee is eligible to be returned to his home during the summer.

Edward Snake requests to be returned to his home this summer in order to work on his own land. Snake states that he can not learn anything if he keeps on his current path and that he has been working all day for nothing.

Nicholas Ruleau requests permission to return home from the Office of Indian Affairs due to deaths in his family. Ruleau notes that he has been at the school for seven years and is currently on outing.

Edward Kills Hard (here Edward Star) requests to return to his home due to his father getting older and needing his help.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of Nicholas Ruleau to be returned home. Standing notes that Ruleau has generally been working on outings during the summer and attending public schools during the winter. He further states that Ruleau entered into a contract with Samuel Reed for one year…

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request from Lucius Bird to return home. Standing indicates that Bird remained at the school past his time of enrollment at his request and has made an excellent record at the school. Standing further states that Bird has made no request at the school to return and…

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request from Edward Kills Hard (here Edward Star) to be returned to his home. Standing provides a history of the student's time at Carlisle and provides additional context around Star's request to return home.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning the order to return Edward Kills Hard (here Edward Star) to the Pine Ridge Agency.

Thomas A. Metoxen requests from the Office of Indian Affairs to return home. Metoxen notes that he came to Carlisle in September 1885 on a five year term and that his parents would like to see him this summer. In addition, he notes that he would like to return to Carlisle in the fall.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request from Thomas A. Metoxen to return to his home. Pratt notes that Metoxen has since changed his mind and requested to be sent out on outing which Pratt complied with. As a result Pratt recommends fulfilling the obligation but will follow the Office's wishes if…