
The Documents section features digitized copies of documents relating to the history of the school. These documents include correspondence, graduation pamphlets, and other forms of ephemera, and have been digitized by Digital Resource Center staff. Today, these documents are preserved in a number of locations, including the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections as well as private collections.

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Displaying 176 - 200 of 7554 records

January 23, 1880

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt informs the Indian Agent of Rosebud Agency Cicero Newell that he cannot consider Spotted Tail's request to visit Carlisle this winter. "It is not deemed best for any of the members of the tribe to make…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

January 23, 1880

J. A. Moore, Principal of the Soldiers' Orphan School of Cumberland County, writes to Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz regarding the possibility of sending Indian students to his school or one of the other soldiers' orphan schools in…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

January 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests an order to travel to Washington from Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt. Pratt notes that he was requested to appear before the House Committee on Indian Affairs.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration


January 25, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt a copy of the first issue of Eadle Keatah Toh, the first newspaper published at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that more donations will soon fund the…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

January 31, 1880

Two duplicate copies of the monthly school report for January 1880, submitted by the Carlisle Indian Training School to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The report includes a list of employees, a count of students by Nation/Tribe, descriptions of…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

Format: Reports

View Document: Monthly School Report for January 1880489.08 KB

February 6, 1880

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. J. Brooks responding to J. A. Moore in Camp Hill, PA regarding an inquiry about educating Indian children at the Soldiers Orphans' Homes of Pennsylvania. Brooks writes that the funds for the current fiscal…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 10, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests an immediate transfer of funds to cover debts from the fourth quarter of 1879.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 14, 1880

Pratt writes to the Rev. A. H. Donaldson in New Mexico, forwarding a copy of a Department of Interior letter authorizing Navajo children to be admitted to the Carlisle Indian School.

This material is from the Richard Henry Pratt papers,…

Repository: Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

February 16, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt forwards his cash and property accounts for the fourth quarter of 1879 to Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Edwin J. Brooks.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 16, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt acknowledges receipt of a spring wagon from Toledo, Ohio.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

View Document: Receipt for Spring Wagon1.41 MB

February 18, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt submits his return of medical property and transfer of hospital supplies for the fourth quarter of 1879. 

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt reports on the buildings, grounds, industrial curriculum, and overall aims of the Carlisle Indian Training School. The report includes descriptions of building sizes and purposes, industrial capabilities, and the efforts then…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

Format: Photographs, Reports

February 23, 1880 - March 2, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs A. O. Hyde that his son-in-law Lieutenant George LeRoy Brown has been using leave of absence from his post in Dakota to serve as the disciplinarian for the male students at the Carlisle Indian School but will have to…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 23, 1880

By command of Brigadier-General Pope, Assistant Adjutant-General E. R. Platt orders that two Lipan Apache children at Fort Hays, Kansas be sent to the Carlisle Indian School.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt telegrams the Commissioner of Indian Affairs asking for permission to send Alfred John Standing to the Comanche Agency to recruit students. Pratt also asks if the former Florida prisoners can be sent back.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 24, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding a desire by the Secretary of the Interior to increase enrollment at Carlisle. Pratt suggests that a number of new rules be adopted regarding students' ages, gender ratio,…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 25, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests a quick reply to his telegram of February 23, requesting permission to send Alfred John Standing to the Comanche Agency to recruit students.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 25, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt submits invoices regarding the transfer of property and supplies at the Carlisle Barracks to the Department of the Interior. Pratt notes that these files were overlooked when others were transferred previously.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 27, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt suggests to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Alfred J. Standing's experience and reputation at the Kiowa and Comanche Agency will help him select suitable students there. Pratt also suggests that this recruitment should…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 27, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt telegrams Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Edwin J. Brooks, informing him that a group of Iowa and Sac & Fox children arrived safely and will be held as directed.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

February 28, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that medicine transferred from the War Department is not needed at Carlisle, as his homeopathic physician will supply his own. Pratt suggests that the medicines be sent elsewhere.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

March 1, 1880

Letter wherein Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Edward J. Brooks responded to Captain Richard Henry Pratt's request for information about "Mr. Standing['s]" visit to the Kiowa and Comanche Agency. Brooks lets Pratt know that Brooks has…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

March 2, 1880

Acting Commissioner Edward J. Brooks forwarding Captain Richard Henry Pratt's request to Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz for Lt. Brown, 11th Infantry, be detailed to report to Pratt and the Carlisle Indian School on a permanent basis. Pratt…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

March 2, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests to spend $50 to subscribe to periodicals and newspapers so that he and his assistants can stay informed.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

Topics: Office Supplies

March 2, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, requesting that he petition the War Department to detail George LeR. Brown to service at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt states that Brown had served at Carlisle during his leave…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration