Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter which enclosed a letter from W. B. Backus, Superintendent of the Genoa School, in reference to a system of savings for students. Pratt notes that he believes he fills the place of a parent for the students at the Carlisle Indian School, that he considered teaching students about…
Recordkeeping at the School
Use only for discussions of the recordkeeping systems, not for lists or products of the recordkeeping.
The Record of Issue of Goods covers fiscal year 1906 with entries for various types of goods, such as soap or matches. Entries are arranged by type of good and include the date and details related to the amount issued. There is an alphabetical index to the types of goods in the first…

Alfred John Standing acknowledges receipt of two Registers of Pupils advised in an Office of Indian Affairs letter.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report responding to questions from the Office of Indian Affairs on the needs of the Carlisle Indian School. Included are discussions on the need for more land, additional educational needs, and industrial training including the limitations of the industrial instruction received at Carlisle.
Pratt also…

Richard Henry Pratt requests to have two books made in connection with the outing program.
These were probably outing ledgers.

Alfred John Standing provides Antonio Apache authorization to recruit students for the Carlisle Indian School at the Fort Apache and San Carlos Agencies. Standing provides information on how to select students as well as how to provide the correct government forms.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to W. N. Hailmann on how he has complied with Paragraph 37, Rules for the Indian School Service by providing blanks of his record keeping for tracking students while at Carlisle and after they are returned.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the proposal to inquire into the circumstances of all of the returned students would require a large amount of time and money.

Alfred John Standing forwards examples of the Descriptive Record of Students as Admitted, Outing Records, Historical Record, and Discharge Records to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Government Printing Office print two outing books--in other words, ledgers for the outing program--which he expects "will probably last six years."

Richard Henry Pratt submits a request for a new Morning Report Book with 500 leave of absence forms.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to exempt the Carlisle Indian School from the Office of Indian Affairs circular dated August 15, 1900 due to already fulfilling many of its requirements through quarterly inventories.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to adopt a card system of keeping a record of students since the beginning of the school, and to purchase cards and a card cabinet to store them in.

J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the reason for the delay in forwarding the attendance report of the school for the quarter ending September 30, 1905.

William A. Mercer requests the U.S. Government Printing Office produce an outing record book consistent with prior record books.

William A. Mercer requests authority to use the regular quarterly school report blank rather than the large blank printed at the Carlisle Indian School.

J. H. Dortch, Acting Chief Clerk, notes a correction that should be applied to future monthly reports regarding total number of letters written during the month.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs returns triplicate copy of Arrivals and Departures of Pupils for the third quarter of 1910.

Supervisor of Indian Funds Benton informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott that $35,000 of Carlisle Indian School students' money is held in the Farmers Trust Company in Carlisle, and the school handles all business and all record-keeping of this money. Benton recommends that the students should have to keep an account book and…

These materials include a draft and final letter to Oscar Hiram Lipps, Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School, regarding a new form, Form 5-249, for method reporting. The letter also explains new reporting procedures regarding enrollment and outing students.

Carlisle Indian School Chief Clerk in Charge C. V. Peel requests the Commissioner of Indian Affairs return the specifications and blueprint for a three-compartment refrigerator to the school. Assistant Commissioner E. B. Meritt informs Supervisor in Charge Oscar H. Lipps that the papers are part of the Office's record and tells him to contact…

This material includes correspondence between former student Leon A. Miller and John Collier, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Miller was attempting to start post-graduate work at a local university and was requesting his school records. Miller had also hoped to obtain a diploma for his work at Carlisle, as well as the Ford Motor Company.…

Supervisor Herbert C. Calhoun from Muskogee, Oklahoma asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs where he can find information regarding who attended or graduated from the Carlisle Indian School and what their grades were. Calhoun states that several Carlisle graduates are teaching or going to college and need this information.