Richard Henry Pratt informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. E. Trowbridge that when the late and former Commissioner, E. A. Hayt, visited the school several months ago, he recommended that Pratt hire an instructor and start a student band at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt has finally found an instructor and requests Trowbridge's approval…
School Employees - Music and Band

Richard Henry Pratt requests to employ a vocal music teacher in addition to the irregular labor estimated on September 19, 1885.

Captain Richard H. Pratt provides the Commissioner of Indian Affairs with additional information in regard to required labor needed for July 1886. Pratt inadvertently omitted the need for a music instructor from the list sent previously on June 21, 1886.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the irregular service needed at the Carlisle Indian School during the month of April 1887.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to employ a singing teacher as well as purchasing 400 song books.

Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his request to employ Professor Brown of Pittsburg as a music teacher and purchase song books.

Richard Henry Pratt requests action in employing Professor Brown for 20 music lessons.

Request by Richard Henry Pratt to increase the salary of the assistant music teacher to $540.

Richard Henry Pratt follows up his previous request to increase the assistant music teacher salary by also increasing the salary of the music teacher.

Richard Henry Pratt certifies various matters regarding the staff of the music and band departments at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt sends a telegram to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs requesting an answer to bandmaster Dennison Wheelock's application for leave of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards and endorses Dennison Wheelock's letter requesting a shorter leave of absence without pay instead of the 6-months he asked for previously. Wheelock explains that he does not want to lose his position at the school and his health is improving.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann regarding various positions at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a change in the music department at the Carlisle Indian School (not specified). Also included is a letter from Ella G. Hill who was left without a position as a result of the change

Richard Henry Pratt requests from W. N. Hailmann that Laura deRussey Berry be placed on the active list and transferred to the Carlisle Indian School as a matron, although he seems to want to employ her as a vocal music teacher.

Richard Henry Pratt requests a special civil service examination be held to allow Laura deRussey Berry to the position of vocal instructor at the Carlisle Indian School.

John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior the name of one woman (Jeannette L. Senseney) who are eligible to fill the vacant music teacher position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidate's name, address, and their civil service exam grade. Acting Secretary…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs circular letter reporting on the music teachers at the Carlisle Indian School as well as the band leader.

Alfred John Standing responds to a circular letter from W. N. Hailmann by providing a list of band leaders both at Carlisle and available graduates.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that is satisfactory for Phil Norman to remain at Carlisle due to the amount of work at Carlisle rather than go to Omaha for the Exposition.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to consolidate the positions of Band Leader and Assistant Printer in order to retain James Riley Wheelock.

Richard Henry Pratt requests increases in pay for the students serving in his office, as Outing Clerk, and Library Assistant.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding Gertrude Simmons' studying at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa.

Richard Henry Pratt requests changes in the salaries of the Band Manager, Assistant Printer, and to add two students as Assistant Printers.

Richard H. Pratt requests that Band Manager Ernest Robitalille's unpaid leave of absence for the month of December 1899 be approved.