
Displaying 3576 - 3600 of 3883 records
Delay in Alice Guest Reporting for Duty
December 21-26, 1907

Carlisle Indian School William A. Mercer informs the Commissioner of Affairs that nurse Alice Guess, who transferred from Haskell Institute, is late in reporting for duty in Carlisle.

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee informs Mercer that Guess will lose pay after Miss Ross starts working at Haskell, then Guess will…

National Archives and Records Administration
Net Receipts from Harvard-Carlisle Football Game
December 24-26, 1907

This document contains correspondence concerning a check from Harvard for a football game with Carlisle. The check, for $11,433.81, reflects half of the net receipts for the annual Harvard-Carlisle football game. The correspondence also explains how the Harvard-Carlisle game was organized by Harvard's athletic administrators.

National Archives and Records Administration
Change in Language of Superintendent Mercer's Resignation Letter
December 26-28, 1907

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer requests the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to change the language of resignation letter from being "ordered to join [his] regiment" to being "ordered to report to the Secretary of War." 

The Acting Secretary forwards Mercer's request to the Secretary of War and asks that his…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
School Employee Staffing and Position Changes
December 27, 1907

These materials include an order from Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee to the Carlisle Indian School, asking that three open positions not be filled temporarily but rather with a permanent replacement. Larrabee also requests that the Superintendent identify two or three positions at the school that could be abolished.

National Archives and Records Administration
Demand to Cut Staff Positions
December 28, 1907 - January 3, 1908

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he will be permanently filling the fireman, assistant carpenter, and assistant matron positions, but he does not think he will be able to cut any positions without hurting the school. 

 Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F.…

National Archives and Records Administration
The Indian Appropriation Act and the School's Budget
December 28, 1907

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee informs Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer that the Indian Appropriation Act allows for $163,000 to operate the school, but that the school has over drafted $5,623.94. Larrabee then requests that Mercer prepares a financial statement of the appropriation from his…

National Archives and Records Administration
Materials Regarding Athletic Fund Disposition Following Investigation
1908 - August 23, 1918

Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…

Books and Pamphlets, Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Informs Eckels Sewer Correspondence Forwarded to Washington D.C.
January 2, 1908

William A. Mercer informs James W. Eckels that he has forwarded the correspondence related to the right of way for the outflow sewer to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in Washington D.C.

Legal and Government Documents
Cumberland County Historical Society
Annebuck Updates Fannie Peter on Chemawa
January 3, 1908

Annebuck writes about her school experiences at the Chemawa Indian School. She notes that the girls basketball team was recently defeated but that she had a nice Christmas. In addition, she writes about the differences between Chemawa and Carlisle as well as the differences in weather between Chemawa and her home in Alaska.

Note: The…

Cumberland County Historical Society
Paying Salaries of Staff Transferred to Other Positions
January 3 - April 22, 1908

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee informs the Carlisle Indian School Superintendent that he should furnish the relief of Boys' Field Agent Fred W. Canfield before James E. Henderson takes his position. 

Larrabee also informs the superintendent that he has to pay for Assistant Superintendent John R. Wise's salary…

National Archives and Records Administration
Departure of Superintendent Mercer
January 4-6, 1908

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp informs the Secretary of the Interior that the War Department has ordered that Carlisle Indian School Acting Superintendent Major W. A. Mercer return to his regiment, thus opening a vacancy in the leadership of the school.

Leupp recommends that they hire a civilian from the Department…

National Archives and Records Administration
Funds of Dana Black
January 4, 1908 - May 11, 1918

This document contains correspondence concerning the funds of student Dana Black. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Plans to Slaughter 50 Animals for Student Subsistence
January 4, 1908 - January 9, 1908

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests permission to slaughter 20 calves and 30 hogs for his students to eat. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee gives Mercer his desired permission.

National Archives and Records Administration
Visit of Carlisle Citizens with Commissioner Leupp
January 6, 1908

These materials include a telegram from a group of Carlisle citizens requesting a meeting with Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis Leupp, regarding a request to postpone the appointment of a new superintendent for the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Carlisle Citizens Want Input into Superintendent Appointment
January 7, 1908

Mr. Miller [first name unclear] of the Pennsylvania Senate writes to Commissioner Francis E. Leupp to inform him that a committee of Carlisle residents, who would like to voice their opinion on the appointment of a new Superintendent at the Carlisle Indian School, are postponing their call to Washington D.C.

National Archives and Records Administration
Endorsement of John Whitwell as Superintendent
January 11, 1908

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer writes Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis Leupp to endorse Principal Teacher John Whitwell as his successor as Superintendent.

National Archives and Records Administration
Return Home of Moses Raub
January 11-17, 1908

These materials include correspondence regarding approval of the return home of Moses Raub from the Carlisle Indian School. Superintendent W. A. Mercer's request for the same was approved by the Office of Indian Affairs.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for a Map of School Grounds to Allow for the Construction of a Sewer
January 13, 1908 - January 15, 1908

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs send him a map of the school grounds so that the Carlisle Borough can build a sewer across the campus. Chief Clerk of the Office of Indian Affairs F. M. Conser forwards Mercer a  copy.

National Archives and Records Administration
Requests for Return Home of Harry Shawbooes and Charles Honyoust
January 13-27, 1908

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Charles Honyoust to be returned to his home. Also included is an additional request from Jack Shawbooes to have his son Henry Shawbooes returned to his home in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Both requests were granted.

National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding Superintendent Friedman's Transfer to Carlisle
January 16, 1908 - April 3, 1909

These materials include numerous letters regarding Moses Friedman's transfer from the Assistant Superintendence at Haskell Institute to the Superintendence of the Carlisle Indian School. Friedman replaces Major William A. Mercer, who is required to return to his military regiment. As part of his transfer, Friedman's annual salary increases from…

National Archives and Records Administration
Transportation Home for James M. Parsons
January 16, 1908

This material includes correspondence concerning the transportation home of James M. Parsons. 

National Archives and Records Administration
Superintendency is a Civil Service Position
January 17, 1908 - January 25, 1908

John Bridges recommends his father, Father George Bridges, to be the new superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School. Bridges states that George is the superintendent of a mission school. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp informs John that George is not part of the classified Civil Service, so he is not eligible.

National Archives and Records Administration
Denial of a Raise for Laundress Ella Albert
January 18, 1908 - January 22, 1908

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests to give Laundress Ella Albert a raise to $600 per year. Mercer reasons that her predecessor, Ella G. Hill, made $660, and he promised Albert a raise if she succeeded, and she has done an excellent job. 

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee declines Mercer's…

National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment of Carlisle Students in Art School in Philadelphia
January 28, 1908 - February 26, 1914

Howard Fremont Stratton, Director of the Art Department at the School of Industrial Art of the Pennsylvania Museum, asks Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells why the Bureau of Indian Affairs does not pay the living expenses of Indian students, many of whom formerly attended Carlisle, accepted to his school. Stratton also forwards Sells an…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Method of Depositing and Accounting for Pupils' Funds
January 31 - June 3, 1908

These materials include financial documents and correspondence concerning the handling of student's accounts at Carlisle. The document also contains lists of the balances due to students enrolled as of January 31, 1908. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration