Richard H. Pratt and Acting Superintendent A. J. Standing forwards James Laley's formal application to be appointed as the fireman at the school. Laley's application is accompanied by references from E. W. Biddle and L. S. Eisenhower.
School Employees - Fireman

Alfred John Standing returns the application papers of John Laley, Fireman, to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he is not willing to acquire written resignations of employees who quit on short notice.
A note on the front indicates the original was returned to the Carlisle Indian School due to the intentionally discourteous nature of the letter.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to be allowed to keep Anna H. Stewart on temporarily as the Sloyd teacher along with other changes to employees.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to abolish the position of fireman following the resignation of Joseph N. Jordan. Pratt states that due to the low salary the position should be filled by a local resident and therefore requests the position be replaced with a laborer position at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, approves the emergency appointment of Charles W. Yeager as fireman at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, approves the emergency appointment of George L. Gottwerth as fireman at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, approves the emergency appointment of Johnson Bradley as fireman at $420 per year.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that a register of eligibles has been established for the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. As a result, the emergency appointments of George L. Gottwerth, Johnson Bradley, and Charles Yeager are to be discontinued.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Johnson Bradley's application for a 61-day leave of absence because of sickness. Bradley works as a fireman.

John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of three men (William Sauers, James W. Hardy, Samuel J. Kidd) who are eligible to fill the vacant fireman position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidates' names, addresses, and their civil service exam grades.…

John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior one man (Olandor Ford) who are eligible to fill the vacant fireman position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidate's name, address, and his civil service exam grade. Acting Secretary Thomas Ryan refers the list to the…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the difficulties in securing fireman for the school through the Civil Service Commission. Pratt comments that the most recent appointee John Haines has turned down the assignment and further requests that Charles W. Yeager be given the permanent assignment.

Captain W. A. Mercer sends a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs advising him that Charles Yeager's request for leave of absence was approved by his office on July 20th. Mercer also advises the Commissioner that he made no mention of Yeager being a temporary employee and that Yeager has been employed for several years as a fireman…

William A. Mercer requests to have Patrick Kennedy certified for the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School in order to comply with Civil Service regulations.
Note: Mercer later clarifies that the correct name of the student to be appointed to the position is Charles Kennedy.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the correct name of the student to be appointed to the fireman position at the Carlisle Indian School is Charles Kennedy not Patrick Kennedy.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding having Charles Kennedy replace Charles Yeager as fireman.

Johnson Bradley submits his resignation as a fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests authority to temporarily employ a replacement.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that with the illness of George L. Gottwerth a temporary fireman has been employed.

W. A. Mercer forwards George L. Gottwerth's request for a 12-day leave of absence due to sickness. Gottwerth works as a fireman.

Charles M. Kennedy resigns his position as a fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. J. R. Wise forwards the resignation and notes that there is no recommendation to fill the vacancy and requests that it remain vacant.

Thomas Clarke declines the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. J. R. Wise forwards the letter along with the appointment letter to the Office of Indian Affairs.

J. R. Wise responds to the Office of Indian Affairs appointing Stephen Albanez as a fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. Wise also discusses the retention of Philibert Lutz who is temporary employed in the position as well as the appointment of Thomas Clarke.

J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the continued need for Philibert Lutz to remain as a fireman at the Carlisle Indian School and addresses his rating from the Civil Service exam. Wise also addresses the resignation of Stephen Albanez as a fireman.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Edward J. Howell has not reported for his position as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.