Richard Henry Pratt forwards Johnson Bradley's application for a 61-day leave of absence because of sickness. Bradley works as a fireman.
Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Joseph Kauer who was appointed as a cook has not reported.
John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of three men (William Sauers, James W. Hardy, Samuel J. Kidd) who are eligible to fill the vacant fireman position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidates' names, addresses, and their civil service exam grades.…
Edgar A. Allen responds to request to return Eunice Baird.
Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has been in communication with Agent Wadsworth of the Shoshoni Agency regarding the transfer of Robert Friday to Carlisle.
John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior one man (Olandor Ford) who are eligible to fill the vacant fireman position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidate's name, address, and his civil service exam grade. Acting Secretary Thomas Ryan refers the list to the…
Richard Henry Pratt requests an increase in the salary of Howard Gansworth to oversee the boys outing program and for the librarian Edith McHarg Steele, and a salary for a special outing agent for the girls.
Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to employ a painter, mason, and plasterer as well as supplies to varnish woodwork and to add a bathroom.
Edgar A. Allen responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning the proposed transfer of David Graham from the Chemawa Indian School to Carlisle.
Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during October 1903. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.
Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Dr. Talbott has declined appointment to the position of physician at the Carlisle Indian School.
Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards two applications for leave of absence for employees: William Davies (music teacher) and Frances R. Scales (teacher). Allen also responds to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs' previous letter concerning the leave of absence of several employees in an explanatory cover letter.
Richard Henry Pratt requests that Jessie W. Cook be transferred to the Carlisle Indian School as the girls outing agent from the Riverside School.
Edgar A. Allen responds to the request of Moses W. Raub to be returned home from the Carlisle Indian School.
Note: The student referred to here as Joseph LaFramboise is also known as Joseph La Flumboise.
Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forward report on leave of absence for Anne S. Ely. Ely works as an outing agent.
Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards Effie Moul's application for an 8-day annual leave of absence. Moul works as an assistant matron.
Edgar A. Allen responds to Civil Service Commission regarding the appointment of an instructor of tinsmithing.
Edgar A. Allen responds to request of James Down to be returned to his home.
Richard Henry Pratt follows up on his telegraph recommending W. A. Jones delay removing Superintendent George J. Harvey from the Pawnee Agency.
Richard Henry Pratt informs W. A. Jones that he has just been at Pawnee and would favor a delay in yielding to pressure for Harvey's removal and notes that he has followed up with a letter.
Edgar A. Allen responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter stating that Richard Henry Pratt would like to retain the present school physician on a contract basis until he is able to view the list of eligible candidates personally. Allen requests to continue the present arrangement or at a slightly lower amount.
Edgar A. Allen forwards correspondence regarding the desertion of Jose Henry from his outing and subsequent work at a New Jersey farm. Allen requests Office assistance in returning Henry to Carlisle.
Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists new employees (Etta White and Emma G. Sky), those who have left the school (Elizabeth Searight) and those who have changed positions (Howard E. Gansworth and Edith McHarg Steele). The report include the position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards Clerk S. J. Nori's application for a 15-day annual leave of absence.
Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Orlando Ford reported for duty at the Carlisle Indian School but left the same day and they have no idea where he is currently located.