Richard Henry Pratt requests to replace the gutters on older buildings to prevent further damage to the structures. Pratt outlines the cost of the tin to update the gutters as well as hiring an additional mechanic on the irregular rolls.
School Employees - Building and Maintenance Staff
Use for both regular and irregular employees. For now included Housekeeper.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he omitted a carpenter to assist in general repairs in his Report of Irregular Employees for the month of February 1887.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the irregular service needed at the Carlisle Indian School during the month of April 1887.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the irregular employee services that will be required at the Carlisle Indian School for August 1887.

Captain Richard H. Pratt provides the Commissioner of Indian Affairs with additional information in regard to required labor needed for December 1887. Pratt inadvertently overlooked instructions in the previous letter and explains the need for a carpenter and mason is separate from general service.

Alfred John Standing forwards a report covering the wages paid for various labor as well as prices of materials to be used in building construction.

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a corrected report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during March 1899. In an explanatory cover letter, Pratt mentions the cost of each repair and provides additional information on expenditures for incidental and general repairs in regards to several irregular services.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase enamel roof paint as well as other supplies in addition to paying various skilled laborers.

Richard Henry Pratt advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on leave of absences with pay for four employees: Laura Jackson (girls' manager), Mary E. Lininger (assistant seamstress), Harry F. Weber (engineer), and Pearl McArthur (assistant matron).

Richard Henry Pratt requests that a cook and assistant cook position be abolished and that two laborer positions be created in their place.

Edgar A. Allen requests that the positions of Assistant Seamstress and Assistant Laundress be discontinued and that two Laborer positions be created. Allen notes that these positions can be filled locally rather than through the Civil Service.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Beckie Goodyear and Susan Zeamer, assistant seamstresses, have resigned. Pratt notes that both were local residents of Carlisle and that the Civil Service Commission cannot send the School comparable to Goodyear and Zeamer and requests the assistant seamstress positions be abolished…

Richard Henry Pratt requests that the position of tinner and assistant disciplinarian be abolished at the Carlisle Indian School and replaced with an additional laborer and an additional teacher.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase an office desk, a large laundry stove, and a morning report book on the open market. Pratt also requests to employ various irregular employees.

Edgar A. Allen requests the services of a painter for 60 days to assist in painting buildings on the Carlisle Indian School grounds.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to employ a painter, mason, and plasterer as well as supplies to varnish woodwork and to add a bathroom.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase materials and employ specialized labor to erect a double cottage for employees along with the school's labor. Pratt asks that his request be approved immediately in order to complete the building before the end of the fiscal year. Pratt also includes the blueprints for the proposed building.…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the authorization for advertising for work to build a cottage on the grounds of the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt informs the Office that no bids were received for the stone work of the foundation causing him to employ John P. McCard. As a result Pratt submits the bill…

Acting Superintendent John R. Wise requests permission to employ irregular employees to make changes and repairs to buildings and other school property. Wise includes details on compensation, position title, and the number of workdays required for the jobs.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for three men to lay water pipe on Carlisle Indian School grounds to complete the contract with the Carlisle Gas and Water Company.

William A. Mercer requests authority to employ a steam fitter to make repairs to the steam heating plant along with completing the work at the double cottage being constructed.

William A. Mercer requests authority to spend $500 in the open market to purchase supplies and in labor costs to make emergency repairs to buildings and other school property.

J. R. Wise follows up on William A. Mercer's letter to employ kalsominers for 60 days.

J. R. Wise requests authority to employ a painter for 30 days to complete unfinished work.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the assistant carpenter position recently authorized. Mercer notes that he has no recommendations but would like to keep the Albert D. Reed who is temporary employed as a carpenter and lives in the borough of Carlisle.