An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of Indian Affairs for the fiscal year ending 1880, containing the first annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The report discusses the school's opening, recruitment of students, educational and industrial curricula, and overall health. Also included…
Building Repairs and Expansions

Richard H. Pratt forwards an estimate of cost for necessary repairs to the buildings at the Carlisle Barracks. These repairs, which are needed to prepare the buildings for use by the Carlisle Indian School, are estimated to cost $1,399.00.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed…

Letter from Richard Henry Pratt informing the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he has received funds for a recruitment trip out West, and will set off that day. Pratt also requests supplies be sent to the barracks in preparation for his arrival with students, and asks for permission to repair the barracks buildings after the property is…

Acting Secretary of the Interior A. Bell returns an Estimate of Expenditures (not attached) for building repairs at the Carlisle Barracks to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. As Bell deems these repairs to be necessary to converting the Barracks to a school, he grants Richard Henry Pratt authority to spend $1,332 on supplies.

Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs transfer $1332.50 of approved funds to Pratt's control for repairs to buildings at the Carlisle Barracks.

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, requesting permission to purchase the listed supplies for the school. Some of the supplies had already been purchased for immediate use. The request includes construction materials, repairs to buildings and the ambulance, books, scientific and medical supplies, industrial…

Richard Henry Pratt requests funds for the renovation of the mess hall, kitchen, and laundry. Pratt notes that the school's increasing student population necessitates these renovations, and describes which buildings will be added and renovated.

Richard Henry Pratt requests Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. E. Trowbridge's approval for purchases made during the first quarter of 1880 amounting to $1,163.59. The purchases were not covered on the quarter's estimate of funds but were "indispensable" to the Carlisle Indian School, so Pratt purchased them with money on hand.

George Kellogg of the Medical Division of the Bureau of Indian Affairs provides a sanitary report on the buildings, appliances, and children at the Carlisle Indian School. He recommends replacing some old brick drains with terra cotta pipes. He finds the buildings to be of a satisfactory condition, particularly commending the hospital - though…

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. E. Trowbridge regarding a delay in approval for his request for a $6,000 general heating system at the Carlisle Indian School.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group…

Richard Henry Pratt requests $350 to paint the tin roofs on the Carlisle Indian School's buildings. Pratt adds that the roofs have been in disrepair since the school began.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "…

Richard Henry Pratt informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. E. Trowbridge that many of the buildings are in desperate need of new paint, especially the exterior walls and porches. Pratt asks that his previous request for painting supplies for the campus buildings' roofs be increased for the campus buildings' walls.
Note: This item was…

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay for the school's contingent expenses in the current quarter, which he estimates to be $1,280.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of…

Richard Henry Pratt requests $800 from the Commissioner of Affairs to supplement funds he has raised from donors in order to install a heating apparatus in the boys quarters. Pratt states that last winter, the male students were very cold at night and suffered from illnesses due to their current heating system, which relies on coal stoves.…

Richard Henry Pratt requests funds to recruit students from the Sisseton, Green Bay, and La Pointe agencies and to install steam heating in the buildings at the school.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters…

Richard Henry Pratt requests to spend $150 to redo the wash on the exterior brick walls of buildings. Pratt notes that they have just finished painting all the buildings' tin roofs and are now painting the wooden exterior walls, so he desires to put a new wash on the exterior brick walls as well.
Note: This item was copied from U.S.…

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $200 on repairing floors and enlarging the wash and bathroom facilities in the boys' quarters.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of…

Richard Henry Pratt requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs approves spending $300 to convert the stable to a gymnasium for the male students. Pratt explains that they moved the animals to the rented school farm and no longer use the stable.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which…

Richard Henry Pratt requests to purchase 11,000 feet of yellow pine flooring and 4,300 feet of hemlock joints amounting to $442 to repair and replace flooring in the school building and the boys' quarters. Pratt adds that student apprentices will be able to do the work.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm…

Richard Henry Pratt provides notice to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he is going on a trip to Philadelphia in order to raise awareness of the Carlisle Indian School. In doing so, he hopes to raise $2,500 in order to build an addition onto the Girls Quarters to allow for a sitting room and additional dormitories.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to replace the gutters on older buildings to prevent further damage to the structures. Pratt outlines the cost of the tin to update the gutters as well as hiring an additional mechanic on the irregular rolls.

Specifications for the proposed dining room.

Correspondence regarding a request of Richard Henry Pratt to have funds for building a new dining room to be sent to him.

Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt writes to Dr. Cornelius Rea Agnew saying that he received Congressional funding for the purchase of a farm adjacent to the school, as well as for the construction of a chapel, stable, and two new school wings.

Correspondence discussing the appropriation of $37,500 for improvements to the Carlisle Indian School including the acquisition of the neighboring Parker farm, a new large boys’ dormitory, a school barn, and some other improvements. A letter from Pratt explaining the need for the new facilities is included as part of the document.