1914 Congressional Investigation

Displaying 1 - 25 of 142 records
Materials Regarding Athletic Fund Disposition Following Investigation
1908 - August 23, 1918

Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…

Books and Pamphlets, Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
light blue paper with text "Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary" and "Status of Employes--Moses Friedman of Ohio" typed on it
October 8, 1900 - April 24, 1937

This folder consists of material compiled by Office of Indian Affairs staff in Washington, DC as related to Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman's employment with the Indian Service. 

The four PDFs are in roughly chronological order, working from Friedman's early career as a government employee and early days as Superintendent at…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration
sepia toned photograph of a man, pictured from waist up, in suit, vest, and tie
September 16, 1909-May 9, 1914

The personnel folder compiled by Washington, DC staff of the Office of Indian Affairs as related to John Whitwell's employment in the Indian Service. At Carlisle Whitwell worked as the principal teacher at Carlisle from 1907-1914. 

The folder has been split into four PDFs. "PDF One" covers a range of correspondence and reports…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
brown folder with "Nori, Siceni J." written on the tab
December 21, 1909-July 17, 1961

Including documents from Siceni J. Nori's time employed as a clerk at Carlisle, this service file was compiled at the Office of Indian Affairs in Washington, D.C. It comprises mostly of correspondence and official evaluations like efficiency reports. 

The folder has been split into two PDFs. The first PDF primarily covers the…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
front of brown paper envelope with "Stauffer, C. M." and "Status Retired" written on front
June 11, 1910 - July 16, 1914

This folder includes documents related to Stauffer's time working at Carlisle as the school musical director or band leader. Two thirds of the material relate to how Stauffer left the school. Having been suspended after the 1914 investigation into the school, Stauffer was not formally fired, but his job position was abolished. The other third…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Questions Regarding Use of Athletic Funds Following Investigation
June 25, 1913 - May 14, 1914

Oscar H. Lipps forwards a number of questions for the disbursement of the Athletic Fund following the investigation into Moses Friedman including paying for a lacrosse coach as well as building a new grandstand.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Brief of Charges and Answers Against Superintendent Moses Friedman
December 1, 1913 - May 1, 1914

These materials include legal documents and correspondence regarding charges filed against Superintendent Moses Friedman after an inspection and investigation of the Carlisle Indian School. Included in the documents are the official charges against Friedman, his answers to those charges, correspondence regarding the charges, and the…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Type-written page of letter addressed to Cato Sells, dated January 29, 1914
January 29, 1914

These documents include a letter from Richard Henry Pratt to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs Cato Sells about an article published in The Public Ledger in January of 1914. Titled "General Pratt Alleged to be Seeking Revenge on Moses Friedman," the article is deemed a "malicious, false and slanderous accusation" by Pratt who blames…

National Archives and Records Administration
Affidavit, handwritten with a typed header at the top of the page that reads "Department of the Interior United States Indian Service"
February 3, 1914

This affidavit summarizes information supplied by Clara Spotted Horse Yellowtail who attended Carlisle as Clara Spotted Horse. Yellowtail swears that she only saw alcohol in the Superintendent's house one time, when Mary Friedman broke her hip.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit, "Exhibit B-1" is hand-written in the upper right corner
February 4, 1914

In this affidavit, Julia Hardin answers questions from Indian Inspector Linnen about an incident where she was beaten by the music teacher at the school Claude Stauffer. She explains that the conflict started when she signed-up to go on outing but was expected to leave before she had her belongings prepared.

In Inspector Linnen's main…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of hand-written letter from the dairyman
August 27, 1909-February 4, 1914

This document consists of a letter from the school dairyman W. J. Ryan and two reports for the collection and distribution of dairy at the school.

Addressed to Inspector Linnen, Ryan's letter expresses dismay about the kind and number of male students who are assigned to help him with the work. He says that his request for supplies are…

National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit, "Exhibit C-1" is hand-written in the top right corner
February 5, 1914

In this affidavit Claude Stauffer answers questions about whether he has any agricultural training, a 1913 incident wherein he beat a student, and the practice of having musical accompaniment for lowering the flag. After the affidavit itself is a document signed by the stenographer who took down the conversation, Beatrice Herman.


Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Typed page with details about payment expected, letter at the top reads George W. Shuler
February 5, 1914

George W. Shuler bills the Carlisle Indian School $53.75 for "services rendered to discover illegal furnishing liquor to Indians."

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit A-1.


Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit, "Exhibt E-1" is handwritten in top right corner
February 6, 1914

Principal teacher at Carlisle John Whitwell recounts his perspective on an incident of corporal punishment at the school. 

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit E-1.

Note: This content contains information about an incident of corporal…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed affidavit, handwritten "Exhibit D-1" at top right corner
February 6, 1914

Will H. Miller, financial clerk at Carlisle, answers questions about the conversation he overheard between Inspector Edward B. Linnen and music teacher Claude M. Stauffer regarding an affidavit Stauffer refused to sign. 

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
typed transcript, first page of Alvis Morrin testimony
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Alvis Morrin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Morrin was a student at Carlisle.

In his testimony Morrin discusses the poor quality of the food served to the students and the lack of silverware.

In the published version of this testimony Morrin's testimony…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of Bracklin testimoney
February 6, 1914

A typed transcript of Edward Bracklin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Bracklin was a student at Carlisle.

Bracklin first discusses the tension between the student body and Superintendent Friedman then testifies to the poor health and safety conditions of the school (lack of towels, lack…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of the typed transcript of the testimony
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Ella Fox's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Fox was a student at Carlisle.

Fox declares that no female student likes the matron Anna Ridenour and expresses her distaste for Superintendent Friedman's use of the word "savage."

In the published form of this…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 6, 1914

A typed transcript of Henry Broker's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Broker was a student at Carlisle.

Broker testifies about unfair expulsion during Superintendent Friedman's administration especially as it related to complaints about school staff reading student correspondence.


Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
first page of Hiram Chase's testimony (typed transcript)
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Hiram Chase's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Chase was a student at Carlisle.

In his testimony Chase critiques Superintendent Friedman's arbitrary expulsion of students. He also answers questions regarding student acts of insubordination and alcohol consumption at…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of the typed transcript of testimony
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Jeanette Pappin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Pappin was a student at Carlisle. In this document she is referred to as Jeannette Patten.

Pappin discusses the harsh demeanour of the Matron Anna Ridenour and friction between the students and Superintendent Friedman…

Legal and Government Documents
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
First page of John Gibson Congressional testimony appearing as a typed transcript
February 6, 1914

A typed transcript of John Gibson's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Gibson was a student at Carlisle.

Gibson discusses the faulty advertising and management of the school's trade programs, the removal of Dr. James W. W. Walker as Y.M.C.A. advisor, and the poor quality food provisions.

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of the typed transcript of Louis Brown's testimony
February 6, 1914

A typed transcript of Louis Brown's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Brown was a student at Carlisle.

Brown discusses the use of force by the disciplinarians of the school and the biased way punishment is given. He claims that students receive punishments disproportionate to the offence they…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Mamie Richardson's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Richardson was a student at Carlisle. In the testimony she is referred to as May Richardson.

Richardson discusses the friction between the female students and Matron Anna Ridenour, her inability to take music lessons…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of Yuda's testimony
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Montreville Yuda's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Yuda was working in Chambersburg, having enrolled at Carlisle in September 8, 1908 and been discharged from the school under uncertain circumstances on May 19, 1913.

Yuda first testifies regarding the circumstances…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration