An excerpt from the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the fiscal year ending 1882, containing the annual report of the Carlisle Indian School. The report includes discussions of school enrollment, experiences of students on outing and outing patrons, curriculum, wages for students,…
Discipline - Enforcement of Rules

Annual Reports, Industrial Training - General, Discipline - Enforcement of Rules, Enrollment Statistics, Students on Outings, Outing Patrons, Student Wages, Student Savings Accounts, Industrial Program Statistics, School Bakery, School Newspapers, Local Church Attendance and Activities, Donations and Bequests to the School, Students Speaking English, Military-Style Training and Organization
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections

February 6, 1914
A typed transcript of Edward Bracklin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Bracklin was a student at Carlisle.
Bracklin first discusses the tension between the student body and Superintendent Friedman then testifies to the poor health and safety conditions of the school (lack of towels, lack…
Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration