The personnel folder compiled by Washington, DC staff of the Office of Indian Affairs as related to John Whitwell's employment in the Indian Service. At Carlisle Whitwell worked as the principal teacher at Carlisle from 1907-1914.
The folder has been split into four PDFs. "PDF One" covers a range of correspondence and reports concerning academic affairs at Carlisle. Most of the correspondence is written between Whitwell and the Superintendent Moses Friedman. They negotiate the distribution of tasks (like cleaning of buildings) and the academic curriculum.
"PDF Two" includes material compiled as part of a complaint which Friedman levelled against Whitwell in the fall of 1913. Friedman accused Whitwell of "'making an unwarranted abusive and insubordinate attack [on Friedman]'" and of having unsatisfactory work.
"PDF Three" covers the end of Whitwell's time at Carlisle including correspondence about his transfer to another school (Cushman Indian School). This transfer was ordered after the investigation which is discussed in "PDF Two," but paused in January of 1914 because of the Congressional investigation at the school at large. This PDF also has a complaint made by a Carlisle student in spring of 1914 about an incident of physical abuse by Whitwell.
"PDF Four" includes efficiency reports and a portrait photograph.
Note: Records in this folder indicate that Whitwell entered the Indian Service in 1897 and retired in 1929. This personnel folder includes no records from Whitwell's work before he came to Carlisle, but there are records of his employment after leaving Carlisle (at Cushman Indian School and Phoenix Indian School--both as principal teacher). Those records have not been included in any of the above PDFs, but can be shared if you contact the project.