August 27, 1909-February 4, 1914
This document consists of a letter from the school dairyman W. J. Ryan and two reports for the collection and distribution of dairy at the school.
Addressed to Inspector Linnen, Ryan's letter expresses dismay about the kind and number of male students who are assigned to help him with the work. He says that his request for supplies are never met (rubber boots, extra clothes from the students, locks for the milk house). He ends by accusing Superintendent Friedman and Mr. Kensler (the quartermaster) of trying to keep him from doing his job and possibly sending people to steal his reports.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit I-1.
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National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #10144-1914-Carlisle-154