This folder includes documents related to Stauffer's time working at Carlisle as the school musical director or band leader. Two thirds of the material relate to how Stauffer left the school. Having been suspended after the 1914 investigation into the school, Stauffer was not formally fired, but his job position was abolished. The other third…
Robinson, Joseph T.

Anna H. Ridenour worked as matron at Carlisle from January of 1912 until her resignation in late May of 1914. She started work in the Indian Service in 1897.
This folder includes document related to her time employed at Carlisle. Arranged in reverse chronological order, the documents cover her resignation, the charges levelled against her…

These materials include legal documents and correspondence regarding charges filed against Superintendent Moses Friedman after an inspection and investigation of the Carlisle Indian School. Included in the documents are the official charges against Friedman, his answers to those charges, correspondence regarding the charges, and the…

The typed transcript of Alvis Morrin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Morrin was a student at Carlisle.
In his testimony Morrin discusses the poor quality of the food served to the students and the lack of silverware.
In the published version of this testimony Morrin's testimony…

A typed transcript of Edward Bracklin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Bracklin was a student at Carlisle.
Bracklin first discusses the tension between the student body and Superintendent Friedman then testifies to the poor health and safety conditions of the school (lack of towels, lack…

The typed transcript of Ella Fox's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Fox was a student at Carlisle.
Fox declares that no female student likes the matron Anna Ridenour and expresses her distaste for Superintendent Friedman's use of the word "savage."
In the published form of this…

A typed transcript of Henry Broker's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Broker was a student at Carlisle.
Broker testifies about unfair expulsion during Superintendent Friedman's administration especially as it related to complaints about school staff reading student correspondence.

The typed transcript of Hiram Chase's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Chase was a student at Carlisle.
In his testimony Chase critiques Superintendent Friedman's arbitrary expulsion of students. He also answers questions regarding student acts of insubordination and alcohol consumption at…

The typed transcript of Jeanette Pappin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Pappin was a student at Carlisle. In this document she is referred to as Jeannette Patten.
Pappin discusses the harsh demeanour of the Matron Anna Ridenour and friction between the students and Superintendent Friedman…

A typed transcript of John Gibson's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Gibson was a student at Carlisle.
Gibson discusses the faulty advertising and management of the school's trade programs, the removal of Dr. James W. W. Walker as Y.M.C.A. advisor, and the poor quality food provisions.
A typed transcript of Louis Brown's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Brown was a student at Carlisle.
Brown discusses the use of force by the disciplinarians of the school and the biased way punishment is given. He claims that students receive punishments disproportionate to the offence they…

The typed transcript of Mamie Richardson's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Richardson was a student at Carlisle. In the testimony she is referred to as May Richardson.
Richardson discusses the friction between the female students and Matron Anna Ridenour, her inability to take music lessons…

The typed transcript of Montreville Yuda's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Yuda was working in Chambersburg, having enrolled at Carlisle in September 8, 1908 and been discharged from the school under uncertain circumstances on May 19, 1913.
Yuda first testifies regarding the circumstances…

A typed transcript of Peter Eastman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Eastman was a student at Carlisle.
Eastman discusses unjust punishment, the strained relationship between Superintendent Friedman and the student body, and the removal of Dr. James W. W. Walker as Y.M.C.A. advisor at the…

The typed transcript of Rosa B. La Flesche's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time La Flesche worked at Carlisle as the Outing Manager, though she previously attended the school under the name Rosa Bourassa.
In her testimony La Flesche critiques Superintendent Friedman's administration in regards…

A typed transcript of Zepheniah Simons' testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Simons had just begun a job as caretaker of the athletics quarters (after attending the school as a student).
While Simons does express disappointment at the relaxed discipline at Carlisle, most of his testimony…

The typed transcript of Anna H. Ridenour's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Ridenour was the matron at Carlisle.
In her testimony Ridenour explains her perspective on the use of corporal punishment on Julia Hardin and answers questions about the friction between herself and the students in…

The typed transcript of Bertha Canfield's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Canfield oversaw the sewing room at the school.
In her testimony Canfield critiques the administration of Superintendent Friedman on the basis that he does not take any interest in the well-being or morality of the…

The typed transcript of C. K. Ballard's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Ballard was the assistant farmer at the school.
In his testimony Ballard answers questions about his role as second farmer and his opinions about what crops would be most productive on the land he works.
In the…

The typed transcript of Charles H. Carns' testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Carns taught painting at Carlisle.
In his testimony Carns explains why he thinks so few students receive adequate training in his vocation.
In the published version of this testimony Carns' section begins on…

The typed transcript of Claude M. Stauffer's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Stauffer was employed as band director at Carlisle.
In his testimony Stauffer answers questions about his proficiency in agriculture and an incident of corporal punishment in which he was involved.
In the…

The typed transcript of Dr. A. R. Allen's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Allen had just been replaced as the school physician, having worked at the school from 1910 to the end of 1913.
In his testimony Allen recounts the hospital facilities, common health problems, and his efforts to…

The typed transcript of Dr. Walter Rendtorff's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Rendtorff had just begun working at the school as a physician.
In his testimony Rendtorff tells the Commission about his first meeting with Superintendent Friedman and estimates the number of students with…

The typed transcript of E. L. Martin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Martin was contracted to generate newspaper/press interest in Carlisle school athletics events.
In his testimony Martin explains that the payments made to him and Hugh Miller were to cover the cost of corresponding with…

The typed transcript of Emma H. Foster's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time she worked as a teacher at Carlisle.
In her testimony Foster explains what she thinks is the cause of the friction between the students and school administration. She also answers questions about the use of corporal…