Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman transmits an examination conducted by the State Chemical Department of the school's water.

August Kensler sends Inspector Linnen an inventory of all surplus clothing usually worn by students from 6 to 14 years old. Kensler indicates that these clothes are no longer needed because the students at Carlisle are older.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled…

These materials include financial documents, legal documents, and correspondence concerning multiple financial concerns of the school, such as railroad bonds, legacy trust funds, fundraising, donations, and checks for minors.

Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings after conducting an investigation of the Carlisle Indian School in early 1914. Broken up into approximately 20 sections, this report discusses the shortcomings Linnen found with Moses Friedman's administration of the school including use of corporal punishment, misappropriation of athletic funds…

This document lists payments made or owed by student athletes at Carlisle in 1907 and 1908.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit G.

Chief Inspector E. B. Linnen reports his findings from a follow-up visit to Carlisle for the 1914 investigation of the school.
In the first section Linnen narrates his findings of further financial mismanagement includes having the government pay for transportation that students had already paid for out of their own funds, not…

These materials include correspondence and a resolution regarding the YMCA Middle Atlantic Student Conference of 1914. A delegation of four Carlisle Indian School students attended the conference, and adopted resolutions "for the betterment, elevating and promoting Christian fellowship of the Indian Race."

A list of documents related to the charges against Moses Friedman and Siceni J. Nori in the aftermath of the 1914 Congressional Investigation at Carlisle as prepared by the Department of Justice.

This compiled list of graduates of the Carlisle Indian School from 1889 to 1915 includes the names, Nations, and addresses of Carlisle's graduates from those class years. The compilation year of this document is believed to be circa 1915 based on its end date, and the addresses listed for some students. This list seems to list only those…

These materials include correspondence and a report regarding the suitability of turning the Carlisle Indian School into a military school. At the request of John H. Stephens, Chairman of the House Committee on Indian Affairs, the Secretaries of War and the Interior arranged to have Carlisle inspected by a military commander. Brigadier General…

Kish Hawkins worked very briefly as Assistant Disciplinarian at Carlisle until June 9, 1891 (having started in February of 1891). Then he worked at the Cheyenne and Arapaho school until 1898. The rest of his government service was from 1912-1919 and 1921-1933 in various positions at the Shawnee School and Cheyenne & Arapaho Agency. His…

These materials include a memorandum about reforms made to Carlisle Indian School policies by Supervisor Oscar Hiram Lipps in response to a 1914 Congressional investigation. The outlined reforms included curtailing the outing program, changing the courses of study, standardizing disciplinary measures, increasing arrests of local bootleggers,…

Report on the Vocational Courses in Agriculture, Mechanic Arts and Home Economics for the Carlisle Indian School by H. L. Kent, Special Supervisor and correspondence surrounding the report. Kent's report focuses on making Carlisle a secondary vocational school focusing on agriculture, mechanical arts, and home economics including courses of…

These materials include an inspection report of J. H. Dortch for his visit to the Carlisle Indian School. His report includes discussions of new staff, the school's physical plant and curriculum, and continued disciplinary changes being enacted under Superintendent Oscar Hiram Lipps.

These materials include a report and correspondence regarding H. B. Peairs' investigation of discipline at the Carlisle Indian School in May, 1915. The report notes numerous improvements that were made and should be pursued. Superintendent Oscar Hiram Lipps addresses the report's recommendations.

These materials include a report by H. B. Peairs on the discipline among boys at the Carlisle Indian School. The report discusses changes enacted by Oscar Hiram Lipps, who was promoted from Supervisor in Charge to Superintendent during this discipline investigation.

These materials contain a report regarding the education of students at non-reservation schools and the role of government and parents in paying for the education.

Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt asks Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps to prepare a financial report on the school's agricultural products for fiscal year 1914-1915. Lipps prepares a report listing the type of product produced, the amount of the product in weight, the value of the product, the amount of…

These materials include correspondence, ledger pages, inspection reports, and government forms regarding multiple health topics connected to the Carlisle Indian School. Included is an Inspection Report of H. B. Peairs for February 1916, Physician's Semiannual Reports for the first and second halves of 1916, statistical reports of diseases for…

Supervisor of Schools H. B. Peairs' report on the Academic and Industrial Departments at Carlisle focuses on methods of instruction (i.e. too much written work), attendance, industrial department trades, outings of trade students, agriculture, domestic departments (cooking, sewing, laundering, home training and nursing), religious organizations…

Supervisor of Schools H. B. Peairs writes an Inspection Report of the Carlisle Indian School. He calls attention to the most important needs of the school, which he deems to be the fire escapes, small boys building annex, lockers, hospital porches, and establishing quarters for married employees.
Assistant Commissioner of Indian…

In response to a question about whether students from Mexico could be admitted to the Carlisle Indian School, this memorandum is a compilation of information regarding the enrollment of individuals who are not American citizens, including individuals from Alaska, Puerto Rico (Porto Rico), and the Philippines. The memo discusses enrollment…

This material includes an inquiry into the alleged physical assault of Sarah Boyd by matron Matilda G. Ewing. Boyd claimed that she was pushed down a flight of stairs by Ewing, resulting in a back injury. The materials include an interview transcript with Boyd, letters from witnesses, and Boyd's recanting of her accusation.
Note: The…

This document contains correspondence concerning former student Henry P. Sutton. Sutton had graduated from Carlisle and requested certification of his educational status, which would allow him to attend the Haskell Institute.

These materials include correspondence and a report regarding Supervisor Elsie E. Newton's inspection of facilities and activities for female students at the Carlisle Indian School. Newton discusses topics including girls' dormitories, the school matron, the Domestic Science and Housekeeping departments, and discipline.