Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Bridget A. Dorey, Susie Rayos, Ella G. Hill, and Karl H. Baker), employees who have left the school (Effie Moul, Rose Dillon, and Beckie L. Goodyear), and temporarily appointed employees (Ella Albert). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for…

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Flora M. Newman), those who have left the school (Sara Pierre), and those who have changed positions (Norman Egolf). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

F. Shoemaker, the school physician, compiles the sanitary report for the quarter ending on September 30, 1906.

Major William Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Cathrine Morrette and Julia Catharine Kensler) and employees who have left the school (Bridget A. Dorey, M. S. Barr, and Annie E. Steele). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

Major William Mercer submits a report that lists new employee (Lucretia F. Ross) and employee who has left the school (Julia Catharine Kensler). The report include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Sarah E. Harry and Nikefer Shoushick, spelled here Nekifer Shouchuk) and those who have left the school (Charles Sorrell). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

Major William Mercer submits a report that lists new employee (Mabel Weekley). The report include position title and salary.

William A. Mercer compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries and position titles.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Anna C. Groove and Scott J. Porter), those who have left the school (Charles C. Dillon), and those who have changed positions (Cathrine Morrette). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure. Attached is Dillon's letter of resignation…

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Maire McCloud and C. W. Leib) and those who have left the school (Cathrine Morrette). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

W. S. Olive, Special U.S. Indian Agent, reports on the personal student financial accounts at the Carlisle Indian School. Olive makes a number of recommendations to prevent further fraud.

F. Shoemaker, the school physician, compiles the sanitary report for the quarter ending on December 31, 1906.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Fredrick Barthel, Lida M. Johnston, Will H. Miller, and Wallace Denny), those who have changed positions (Cora B. Hawk, Emma K. Hetrick, and Anna Goyitney), and those who have left the school (Sadie E. Newcomer, Michael J. Gumbriell, Frank Hudson, and Stacy Matlack). The report…

William Mercer submits the Monthly School Report of the Carlisle Indian School for December 1906.

Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employee (Abe Colonohaski) and employees who have left the school (Frederick Barthel and Henry Gordon). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

Major William Mercer submits a report that lists employees who have changed positions (Elsa A. Mayham). The report include position title and salary.

Monthly report of the Carlisle Indian School for the month of January 1907.

Major William Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (William C. Shambaugh and Ella F. White) and those who have left the school (Mabel Weakley, Scott J. Porter, C. W. Leib, and Mary D. Maddren). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
Mercer also forwards a letter requesting…

Major William A. Mercer submits a withdrawal of resignation letter from Scott J. Porter and the renomination of his position at the school.

William Mercer submits the Monthly School Report of the Carlisle Indian School for February 1907.

William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Elizabeth Sloan) as well as those who have left the school (Wilson Charles). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Pratt also forwards Sloan's oath of office.

William A. Mercer submits the report of farm statistics for the 1906 calendar year along with a list of farm tools, stock, and buildings. Mercer also includes a map showing the school farms and other "Indian School Lands."

F. Shoemaker, the school physician, compiles the sanitary report for the quarter ending on March 31, 1907.

William A. Mercer compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries and position titles.

William Mercer submits the Monthly School Report of the Carlisle Indian School for March 1907.